Food Consumption Limit (in terms of quantity, not calories)


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Sometime I feel like I am full after eating a number of food, not a lot calories but a lot ... in terms of quantity? So my idea is to limit the number of food intake within a time period, and we can no longer eating like 17 cat tails in a minute to become full... though 600 calories are enough to survive a day and usually won't waste cat tails like that lol 

It will make TLD more challenging, increases the value and need of high calories but less energy density food items such as  peanut butter and meat.

But is it realistic or needed? I don't know, how do you guys think? I just think that eating 7 candy bars and eating 1 MRE aren't the same fulliness haha

#eat more, but less

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Sounds interesting. Perhaps not suited for lower difficulty levels (Pilgrim, Voyageur) but for the more challenging ones (Stalker, Interloper) it could add positivly to the challenge.

In addition to that, a character that ate a lot becomes more cumbersome for an hour or two and could use a nap ^^

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I'm an avid hiker, and long distance cyclist, and this is definitely a consideration you make when planning your diet for endurance sports. Obviously we're already doing it in The Long Dark, by choosing to carry more energy dense foods. The more calories per kg, the more valuable. But you do the same when eating for big days. As an example, I've had days where I've expended 40,000kj (9560cal), and I've pretty much eaten candy, energy powders, protein powders, peanuts, etc. for half of that, and then had a big dinner at the end of the day. A couple of times, when I was first doing that, I was eating less dense foods, and even though I'd calorie counted beforehand, I ended up dry-wretching (nearly vomiting) from eating too much.

The user is absolutely correct. It should be weight (or rather bulk) in food, and to add even further to that, it should be bulk over stages. No cramming 2000 calories in, in one meal. Nobody living on a lean diet, while out exercising can do that. You can put X amount in your stomach, then over a few hours that goes into the rest of your digestive system. And repeat.

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