Surviving food poisoning without antibiotics?


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Its currently not possible to survive without antibiotics but it should be.

In most cases food poisoning isn't life threatening, all you gotta do is lay in bed and drink tons of water. There should be an alternative for sure

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Most of my long runs are ended by food poisoning. It would be nice if some alternative treatment were available. Perhaps requiring the player to drink more water and sleep for a required amount of time. There is a good discussion with ideas on the Steam forum as well. Love the game, but death based on the amount of antibiotics spawned is disappointing.

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I have just succumbed to death by food poisoning after eating some 74% meat on my 23rd day. Unfortunately I only found 3 antibiotics in total and I'd already used 2 of them for an earlier bout and it wouldn't let me use 1 by itself and that was from searching most but not all of the coastal road map.

So I'd definitely welcome another way to cure food poisoning, even if that means staying in bed and drinking water for 2-3 days as I had enough supplies to do that.

That's about my only issue with the game (apart from a few places you can become stuck in) but it does put you on a bit of a downer when you die to something that is pretty much out of your control. So fingers crossed this gets sorted out.

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It wouldn't be that bad, but there seems to be no rhyme or reason to the food poison, I got it off 100% venison straight of the damn grill. Now if I had found the meat in the toilet and just gobbled it down, sure I get food poisoning, that I get, but fresh 100% meat should have zero chance of poisoning. Then just to rub salt in the wounds, it gave me food poisoning again on the heal up meal, this time the meat was about 95%. yet a tin of 45% dog food ?, no ill effects at all, crazy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The first time I got food poisoning, I was able to survive without antibiotics. I slept in four hour increments, made sure I was always well hydrated and fed, and bottomed out at 14% Condition for a while, then recovered. I was lucky enough to be in a good house with plenty of supplies gathered.

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