Normal Interloper Temperatures?


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I´m an Interloper only player and got killed by a wolf on day 117. During the sandbox I achieved the cold fusion badge, so I started a new game with the badge activated and it feels weird. Am I supposed to harvest wood outside in the early evening and not  freezin like hell? Is it normal to carelessly standing at a cliff, enjoying the view with no body temperature drop at all? Is this a bug or normal? On day 26 it´s around -18°C in the "happy hours" (early evening). Can anyone confirm? 



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Seems normal-ish to me.  You seem to have done well in looting clothes, which makes a huge difference (hard to say for certain, but it looks like the only thing that could have gone better would have been to get the army pants as well).

The temp will continue to drop a little each day, so take advantage while it lasts.  I'd recommend hunting and exploring (new locations to loot) before gathering firewood.

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