Steam Awards


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The Steam Awards nominations have started this year and i would really like to see TLD get one of the awards. I want to start a discussion with the community at what possible awards this game could get, what possible "Write In" awards we could make for it, and then to try and get every one to nominate it for said award(s).

 The “Soul Of Vitruvius” Award. This for a game with the most lovingly rendered character, which includes "even a piece of produce." as an example. This could be applied to nature in the game. Nature doesn't literally become a character of course, but nature often takes on t. The lovingly part comes from the fact that although nature is often dangerous, it can be breathtakingly beautiful and the game captures that very well.

The “Write-In” Award. TLD was made with the idea of making a realistic survival game without zombies or anything similar, so perhaps something like the "Surviving without Zombies" Award. TLD also gives a very beautiful winter landscape, so perhaps something like the "Winter Wonderland" Award.

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