hacksaw spawns


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Hi there,

I wanted to know if there is an uptodate list of possible hacksaw spawns for lower difficulty levels (everything else but interloper). 

The reason I am asking is my current mission is drinking a summit soda on the summit at the dawn of the morning of day 100. After that I want to loot the summit and for that I need a hacksaw. I found one but after forging my arrowheads I left it at the broken rail road maintenance yard. I am currently at the pleasant valley farmstead and I have already looted the barn, signal hill, the farmstead and the houses at the crossing. I know there is a possible spawn at the mountaineers hut and the summit but are there any other spawns in PV? I am on day 76 so I could walk my sorry ass all the way back to Broken Railroad and then to TWM, but I'd rather like to find a hacksaw nearby. Transitioning FM and BR is a great risk IMO.

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