findable clothe scheme !!

alone sniper

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So far, they dont have books with specific crafting recipes. I dont have problem with that, honestly, if they make it quaranteed to spawn at least once per world. I think it would be pretty cool if some things would require you to find a pattern book first. 

But specifically turtleneck? I dont see a point. Sweaters are pretty good in game that can be found - craftable headgear, out of animal hides is something we need atm. And after that, the neccesary craftable clothes will be complete.

Also, i dont know how I feel about specifically crafting clothes out of cloth only. I feel like that would be an Interloper thing that is "last resort" when one cant find headgear for example, other then that I dont see much point. Now, crafting clothes, using cloth and other, natural resources, that sounds better... for example, I see cattail heads as a potential item used for clothing repairs and even crafting - the substance in them is very similar to the "syntetic down material" used in modern clothes.

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4 hours ago, alone sniper said:

No. It was just for an example. ^_^

I see :)

Well, I do think it would be cool if crafting recipes could be learned through book research, if these books were spawning either in a specific places in game, or at least were quaranteed to spawn somewhere in the world. It would make it much more worth the effort to go loot the map in order to find these rare books.

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