simple things


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After some time in game and finish episode 2. Just few small things nag me.

Whetstones should last much much longer, knives and hatchets should be rarer. So far both seem somewhat common, more than shoes it seems, if one doesn't limit oneself to a single region in sandbox mode. Feels like manufactured tools should be 1 or 2 per sandbox, and be really treasured when you find one.

Melting snow... why do I have to devote time to it? It eats up so much fire time, hour+ for ~4 liters melted snow, not to mention nearly an hour to boil it after. Seems something anyone would do automatically when a fire is going, given the environment and situation. I can see good reasons for dedicated time to boil water, but really can't melt snow and cook meat at the same time?? What if melting snow as automatic when outdoors, but at half rate than normal method? 0.5L per hr of fire. You decide to leave it or keep it when leaving camp. Remove it from game after 24hr if left at the campsite.

No Thermos? Seems incredibly useful, and common thing to find given the environment. Should be simple enough to implement using the Lantern prefab. Empty at 0.25kg; 1L capacity of any one type of brewed drink, keeps the content hot for 8~10 hours. Decay rate of ~0.1% per day; Repair with scrap metal and simple tools. Potential life saver in some situations.

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Good points!  Regarding the knife and hatchet, the harder difficulties have fewer.  Interloper has none at all -- you have to find a hammer and hacksaw (only one or maybe two of each in the entire world) then trek to a remote forge and craft your own knife and hatchet.

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A thermos! Yes, thank you! Now, that is a wonderful idea. Just envision if you were packing for a camping trip. What would you take? A thermos? Of course! I love that. With the melting of snow, I feel that the reason they do not "hold our hands" on some of this is that this is supposed to be about being a somewhat urban individual who is having to learn how to survive. Melting of snow, after all, is not something everyone would automatically think of actually. It's like the first suggestion made under the newbie thread that the staff member started. It's like the shard of metal in my hand. In looking back, it would seem that would have been a "no brainer" moment, but, you know what, I didn't think of it. LOL Yes, it is the simple things, but they can't be "spoon fed" to us or it might take away from the experience of surviving. You know? Just my thoughts on it.

The thermos? I'd LOVE to see that implemented. Truly. Thank you.

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The water and cooking thing was planned on the roadmap. I'd imagine it's still coming although they removed the roadmap. 

I completely agree on the tools thing. I find way too many tools and I think caring for a tool should be valued more. 

A thermos should be required to cook tea and coffee.

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