Quick Observations


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- No on-screen display until bad things are happening: If cold, I only get an on screen display when borderline hypothermic. If thirsty, I don't see an alert until the meter is empty. When tired, the "eye" does not appear until my carry capacity is cut back. It's my body. I know the state of it at all times in real life. When hiking and the wind picks up I know it's getting colder. Putting that stuff on the screen at all times keeps me in the picture. I know some don't want that. Fine, make it a graphics option to turn on or off, but I want to know I'm starting to get into trouble BEFORE I head for the middle of an ice lake in a storm and find my carry capacity is suddenly half what it was.  Pick up one stick too many and I get a weight icon that doesn't go away.  Let me have this for temp gauge, stomach, liquids, etc. 

-  In the status screens, I need to flip back and forth between my status page and backpack: If hungry, I go to the backpack and eat something. The stomach icon appears, updates, then fades. If looking at something else, I now have to go back to the status page to see the hunger level again. If eating on the backpack screen, I don't see liquid levels (unless I eat something that changes it, of course). Make the stomach and liquids meters appear constantly when I select the food tab in the backpack so I can gauge food and water intake accordingly.

- Per the above point: If injured, I have to flip from status (which tells me how to treat an injury) to the medical section of the backpack, which doesn't. When the medical tab is selected I should see current injuries and treatments. 

-  MacKenzie is one whiny guy: When over 30 kilos in his backpack, the complaining starts. Give me the on screen status in the first point and let me have an option to shut his voice off. 

- I was injured with sprained wrist and ankle. Both injuries required pain killers. OK, if two painkillers will cure either injury, why do I need to take two painkillers for the wrist plus two more for the ankle? Why not just two pain killers to cure both? 

- Kryptonite bullets please: The bear that can stand up to seven rifle rounds in the head, heart and lungs then not go down comes from Krypton. Same with deer hit at point blank range in the heart. They must have Kevlar bulletproof vests as they run for several minutes after getting hit. The blood trail generates, but as the deer crosses their own trail repeatedly, I'm following the trail but can't follow the deer if it runs right past me. I have to go the entire running route to generate the trail to find the deer and I'll freeze well before the end.  I shot a deer near the three cabins on Mystery Lake. Heart shot, from the side. It ran off towards the fish hut to the west. I lost the trail (it ran up hills I could not follow) and I found it (by fluke) near the Mystery Lake Ranger cabin on the trail that runs behind it, effectively the opposite direction it ran off. 



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14 minutes ago, shadragon said:

- No on-screen display until bad things are happening: If cold, I only get an on screen display when borderline hypothermic. If thirsty, I don't see an alert until the meter is empty. When tired, the "eye" does not appear until my carry capacity is cut back. It's my body. I know the state of it at all times in real life. When hiking and the wind picks up I know it's getting colder. Putting that stuff on the screen at all times keeps me in the picture. I know some don't want that. Fine, make it a graphics option to turn on or off, but I want to know I'm starting to get into trouble BEFORE I head for the middle of an ice lake in a storm and find my carry capacity is suddenly half what it was.  Pick up one stick too many and I get a weight icon that doesn't go away.  Let me have this for temp gauge, stomach, liquids, etc. 

-  In the status screens, I need to flip back and forth between my status page and backpack: If hungry, I go to the backpack and eat something. The stomach icon appears, updates, then fades. If looking at something else, I now have to go back to the status page to see the hunger level again. If eating on the backpack screen, I don't see liquid levels (unless I eat something that changes it, of course). Make the stomach and liquids meters appear constantly when I select the food tab in the backpack so I can gauge food and water intake accordingly.

- Per the above point: If injured, I have to flip from status (which tells me how to treat an injury) to the medical section of the backpack, which doesn't. When the medical tab is selected I should see current injuries and treatments. 

-  MacKenzie is one whiny guy: When over 30 kilos in his backpack, the complaining starts. Give me the on screen status in the first point and let me have an option to shut his voice off. 

- I was injured with sprained wrist and ankle. Both injuries required pain killers. OK, if two painkillers will cure either injury, why do I need to take two painkillers for the wrist plus two more for the ankle? Why not just two pain killers to cure both? 

- Kryptonite bullets please: The bear that can stand up to seven rifle rounds in the head, heart and lungs then not go down comes from Krypton. Same with deer hit at point blank range in the heart. They must have Kevlar bulletproof vests as they run for several minutes after getting hit. The blood trail generates, but as the deer crosses their own trail repeatedly, I'm following the trail but can't follow the deer if it runs right past me. I have to go the entire running route to generate the trail to find the deer and I'll freeze well before the end.  I shot a deer near the three cabins on Mystery Lake. Heart shot, from the side. It ran off towards the fish hut to the west. I lost the trail (it ran up hills I could not follow) and I found it (by fluke) near the Mystery Lake Ranger cabin on the trail that runs behind it, effectively the opposite direction it ran off. 



I agree with all of it. I just missed the old UI, so I never had the gages visible at all times, but I want them to be too. And the feels like temp, I want that on my HUD.

Most games that OFFER a minimalist HUD, do just that....they OFFER it...as in an option you can toggle...as in not FORCED. I don't like forced BS.

I don't like how blood drops seem to appear now as I follow them. They are either there or not there....not both. If an animal bled, it doesn't magically appear within a certain distance. I want the drops there all the time till I find the carcass. They need to fix injured animal pathing in general. Too much doubling back and climbing of unreachable areas....like an injured animal is going to run up and down a rock formation three times when injured.....

I'm tired of super animals too. Give them hit points or condition like we have, and have bullets and arrows lower it....considerably. Three shots in the face should kill any bear, no matter how angry it may be. The animal shooting mechanics are garbage...

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I agree with the HUD part, on PC (in my case) it's a pain! I need to keep constantly pressing 'tab' to be able to see my status at times i need them to be fully visible, like when i'm running using coffee i want to know if the 'caffeine' with the '+' it's still kicking in, or when my body temperature is dropping fast with the 3 arrows. It's really a pain not being able to select a type of HUD, most games have that option, shouldn't be too hard to have this.

And the super animals yep, the only way to kill a Bear with one shot is to hit the tip of his nose (only did this once by sheer luck), other from that the realism, not the hit points, is missing something. 3/4/5 head shots to kill a bear!? 2 Head shots to kill a Deer? (actually it doesn't seem to matter where you hit them, just hit them twice anywhere and that's it ) It's kinda odd.

And for last, as mentioned, the blood trails... why do they look like they spawn only when u're right next to them? It's confusing... some blood trails should be visible from distance to avoid you having to walk in circles, it's gets tiresome for your eyes to focus on blood which spawns right next to your feet as you're walking. Sometimes i just wait for a bit, listen if i can hear the animal I hit footsteps and try and find it after i hear it drop in the floor, you can hear those sounds from several steps away.

Sorry if i got kind repetitive on what was said previously but this is the way I see these 'issues.

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Huh, these aren't issues I feel I'm facing. On PS4, I just press the center touch pad lightly (tab on PC) to glance at my statuses every once in a while, more if I know I'm cutting it close. Otherwise I like the non-cluttered screen. 

The other day I killed a bear with one shot, no joke. Just walked up, one on the snout, and he dropped instantly. Most other times it's one shot, wait an hour (in game, sometimes I read a book, lol) for him to bleed out, and then find corpse. Only on one occasion did I have to finish him off with a second shot after he refused to bleed out within the hour. 

As for the pain-killers, I think its okay that there is one dose for each part. Otherwise you would just wait until everything was broken to fix it, and that wouldn't be very fun in my opinion. Stronger dose for more pain. 

I think you do have a point with the medic tabs, they are kinda a pain (pun intended). I think the biggest problem is that if you drink Rose Hip tea, you don't get to choose which sprain it effects, so sometimes I have to drink two even if I didn't care about my wrist, etc. 

And I always choose Astrid because I like her voice better :)

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