Harvesting a bear is the hardest part of the kill

Quarbani 79

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I shot a bear in the face and he dropped instantly on the broken bridge in desolation point. I quartered it and it literally took me 3 days and 5 wolf attacks to get it back to the stone church. I even stripped naked in the coal mine no 5 so I could carry more meat sacks. 

On the other end of the spectrum I shot my other bear at the little shack opposite trappers homestead. I slept the night and he had bled out literally on the doorstep of trappers! What a result

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What would be useful is the ability to craft a sledge to help haul such larger packs around. It would come with its downsides, like you couldn't take it through Carter Dam, run with it, and that much carcass would definitely attract a lot of attention.

Maybe not so useful....

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We are dealing with either black or grizzly bear, that weight, on average either around 200 or 300 kilos.

Sleds, at least what player could put together, would amplify his strength by maybe, at the very best, 3 times.

Considering that were dealing with bulimic, who have trouble pulling even 30 kilos, including clothing that he is wearing, there is no snowballs chance in hell that he would be able to drag 200 kg bear, on sled or otherwise. Especially over rough terrain.

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