My feedback on Faithful Cartographer


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Let me start off by saying, you nailed it hinterland. I'm absolutely loving it so far.

The new hud design really compliments the whole survival theme of this game. and the map making is spectacular. I've already picked up a new hobby for my character to pass the time ;) and taking away the __ hours of daylight left was a great call. because how could anyone know exactly how many hours are left in the day without a watch? and removing calorie count and temperature from the status display makes it more realistic to me. after all I'm not constantly aware of my temperature and calorie count. loving the rock throwing, and killing rabbits by hand instead of using a snare. LOVE LOVE LOVE the rifle animations. though it kinda looks like dude has his finger constantly on the trigger? not sure, I can't get a clear view of it. that needs to be fixed. even an inexperienced rifleman knows to keep his finger off the trigger :P and quartering carcasses is amazingly helpful.

One thing I noticed is that the wolves seem thrice as dangerous. every time I've gotten attacked is certain death on stalker mode, because they seem to completely ravage me in packs. and they're aggressive as all hell now. I noticed their audio has been reworked, they even sound meaner now. for once I'm actually scared of the wolves. and that's the way it's supposed to be!

All in all, amazing job! :)

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