A collection of ideas


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I'm hoping that my post is coherent as its more or less just a pad out of ideas that I've had and jotted down while playing the game....

Cooking pots and pans.... you see them all over the place and i think it could be really neat to actually use them, but not be forced too... Basically my idea is as such: If there is 900 cal in a 1kg deer steak, perhaps if you just cook it over the fire, you get say 800 cal out of it (you loose all the fat and juices dripping in the fire). cook it with a pan, you get 830 cal (it fries in its own fat, and can save the rest), cook it with the pot with water stew style, you get the full 900 cal and you dont need to drink? and any fat that you might save from using the pan, you can perhaps use for making tallow candles? (save your cans, add some wicks made from cats tails or cloth or something?)

Candles. would be awesome to be able to light wherever you are using as a base for a few extra hours at night, so you can keep crafting or reading, or just moving about sorting stuff, but yeah, one can then save their precious lantern fuel for when you are on the move or outside. but yeah tin can either found or kept, animal fat and wick. yay new craftable :)

More crafted clothing. namely a hat (rabbit, fox or maybe a new animal (racoon?). and/or perhaps a tench coat or a cloak? also maybe make all the items craftable out of different skins? and just have it so it uses different amounts of skins/thread/time? i dunno, its just that for the most part, bear skins seem impossible to get for me at the moment and wolf skins are a bit of a bitch to acquire, and i often end up with an excess of rabbit and deer skins. also maybe seal skin socks? there is a number of zones with costal frontage, so maybe adding seals would be another source of protien and fat?

bury the dead? i have read a few posts about this, and yeah you arent likely to dig anything more than a shallow grave in frozen ground,but you could always just cover in snow and compact it so they are basically entombed in ice? i dont have an exact thought on the process, just that it should be an option. for starters if meat youve cooked is slowly spoiling inside/in a draw, the same thing is going to be happening to a corpse, which would stink, but also be spreading bacteria and what not, and generally, most people dont want to share a house with a corpse. but the thing that got me more thinking about this is the damn crows. the crows are a good indicator of a corpse/carcass being near by, but its annoying if you are camped near a body and all you can hear constantly is the crows because the body is always there.

speaking of getting the dead out of the house. perhaps being able to straighten up/clean the house/hut could be an option. X time spent put draws back in and fix hinges to be usable again? stands shelves back up, pushes chairs in (i know we dont have a use for the chairs except fire wood), but its something else that can be done when you are stuck inside and there is a blizzard, or you are just trying to keep your ocd in check.

not sure what this would come under. but clean windows :P or windows you can see out of. the observation decks have windows you can see out of, and so do cars, but most of the houses dont :( i think this would be a small, but nice touch, so you dont have to go out the front door because you cant hear wind, but its still super foggy.

containers. containers seem really important in that they help slow down the decay of things. to me it makes sense that you should be able to pick up metal and plastic containers and drag them back to your home, for more storage? there are shelves all over the place, and i would imagine they could be placed just like storm lanterns? also, why not make it possible to drain one jerry can into another so i dont have to carry 2, 1/4 filled cans? ive also seen a few people mention things like water should have containers too, because when you drop 10L of water like ive been known to do, where did all those bottles come from? again, you can heat 500ml in or pots? and maybe up to 2-3L at a time in pots? and then store it in plastic bottles? or maybe even if we are lucky, blue jerry cans!! ? either way, seeings they help stop item decay, it would make sense that are worth taking.

water sources? surely you shouldnt have to waste a match to start a fire every time? if you can crack a hole in the ice to fish, you could get water there? or you maybe you can crack a hole with a prybar anywhere over frozen water to be able to scoop some out?

plant regrowth? i understand this is a slow process, and maybe the regrowth rates only really need to be there for the hardcore players? but maybe cats tails can grow back every 30 days?, shrooms, 60, lichen 90? i know nothing of the ecology other then  the stuff grows, so after some time, you should be able to go get more :) might be handy of that third time you get intestinal worms?

food preservation would be freaking awesome! maybe add a little smoking box in the game that you can stock with maple or birch bark? or jars which could be boiled in pots for sterilization/sealing of fish and or meat? as with my occasional abundance of skins, comes the rare occasion that i have so much meat its spoiling before i can eat it all? it would be nice to be able to stockpile a little, or be able to leave some food behind when you leave a hut for whiter pastures.

Reading in bed. when you are cold and you need to warm up quick, hoping in bed is a great way to do this, but your only options are to sleep or twiddle your thumbs. maybe if you have an unread book in your inventory and there is light (ah ha, candles) then you could be getting warm and reading, and preserving callories?


but yeah, great game :) i just stumbled across it on steam when it was on sale, and just been playing it heaps since i first installed it :) the game i think would survive fine without the above suggestions, but i think these ideas would make for some sweet additions. 


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Welcome to the forums, fellow Kindred! ^_^

4 minutes ago, tha_vampyr said:

Cooking pots and pans.... you see them all over the place and i think it could be really neat to actually use them, but not be forced too... Basically my idea is as such: If there is 900 cal in a 1kg deer steak, perhaps if you just cook it over the fire, you get say 800 cal out of it (you loose all the fat and juices dripping in the fire). cook it with a pan, you get 830 cal (it fries in its own fat, and can save the rest), cook it with the pot with water stew style, you get the full 900 cal and you dont need to drink? and any fat that you might save from using the pan, you can perhaps use for making tallow candles? (save your cans, add some wicks made from cats tails or cloth or something?)


Good idea! Although if you do stew meat, the resulting broth won't slake your thirst. It is a nice food item though.

5 minutes ago, tha_vampyr said:

Candles. would be awesome to be able to light wherever you are using as a base for a few extra hours at night, so you can keep crafting or reading, or just moving about sorting stuff, but yeah, one can then save their precious lantern fuel for when you are on the move or outside. but yeah tin can either found or kept, animal fat and wick. yay new craftable :)


Most probably the single most requested item on the forums :D and I will tell you what I tell in every other thread about them: Candles and craftable low-output light sources YES.

6 minutes ago, tha_vampyr said:

More crafted clothing. namely a hat (rabbit, fox or maybe a new animal (racoon?). and/or perhaps a tench coat or a cloak? also maybe make all the items craftable out of different skins? and just have it so it uses different amounts of skins/thread/time? i dunno, its just that for the most part, bear skins seem impossible to get for me at the moment and wolf skins are a bit of a bitch to acquire, and i often end up with an excess of rabbit and deer skins. also maybe seal skin socks? there is a number of zones with costal frontage, so maybe adding seals would be another source of protien and fat?


I'm all for seals and more handcrafted items. And I do agree that different varieties could help - why does my coat have to be wolf skin? I mean, neither wolves nor deer are freezing to death out there, so any skin should work.

7 minutes ago, tha_vampyr said:

bury the dead? i have read a few posts about this, and yeah you arent likely to dig anything more than a shallow grave in frozen ground,but you could always just cover in snow and compact it so they are basically entombed in ice? i dont have an exact thought on the process, just that it should be an option. for starters if meat youve cooked is slowly spoiling inside/in a draw, the same thing is going to be happening to a corpse, which would stink, but also be spreading bacteria and what not, and generally, most people dont want to share a house with a corpse. but the thing that got me more thinking about this is the damn crows. the crows are a good indicator of a corpse/carcass being near by, but its annoying if you are camped near a body and all you can hear constantly is the crows because the body is always there.


I'm all for removing corpses. @Dirmagnos suggested tying a weight to them and dumping them in the water a while ago, and really, that seems the most plausible.

8 minutes ago, tha_vampyr said:

speaking of getting the dead out of the house. perhaps being able to straighten up/clean the house/hut could be an option. X time spent put draws back in and fix hinges to be usable again? stands shelves back up, pushes chairs in (i know we dont have a use for the chairs except fire wood), but its something else that can be done when you are stuck inside and there is a blizzard, or you are just trying to keep your ocd in check.


Good idea actually, makes some use of 'spent time'

9 minutes ago, tha_vampyr said:

plant regrowth? i understand this is a slow process, and maybe the regrowth rates only really need to be there for the hardcore players? but maybe cats tails can grow back every 30 days?, shrooms, 60, lichen 90? i know nothing of the ecology other then  the stuff grows, so after some time, you should be able to go get more :) might be handy of that third time you get intestinal worms?


Seasons are on the roadmap so you can expect plants to regrow over the course of a year :D until then, be stingy with your resources ;)


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Extended cooking is on a roadmap a far as im aware, so i think wel get to use both various kitchenware and prepare complex meals.

Candles seem to extremely popular as an idea. Im pretty sure they are on roadmap as well.

Leatherworkign and tailoring need some serious expansion. Why cant i make coat out of bear hides or boots out of wolf hides ? Plus new and more variations and types, like hats, light and heavy versions of clothing, and different types that fit same spot(light coat, overcoat, jacket, cape, etc), plus addons for various clothing items(pockets, collars, hoods, sleeves). Plus theres a possibility for additional skills.

Burying dead in current conditions is an exercise in futility. Digging a proper grave would require tremendous amount of of work and just covering then with snow will just mean that wolves will dig them up later on.

House management could be interesting, with crafting of basic furniture.

Nothing will grow in temperatures present in the game. But seasons are on roadmap.

Food preservation has been an issue for as long as i remember, with ton of various ideas how and what to implement. Still waiting.

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