Matches Erroneously Consumed


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At first I thought this was in my head, I was blowing through matches like crazy. And then I started counting them. My current Interloper strategy for starting fires is to light a torch and then to use the torch to start a fire. The failure rates seem extremely high (I fail at least once to start a fire with 75% chance every time) so conserving matches seems like a no brainer.


However, I just noticed that I'll start with 7 matches. Light the torch. And use the torch to start the fire. Yes, before you ask I am 100% sure I am using the torch as my ignition source. I'll fail to start it once, get it on the second try and I'll have 5 matches in my inventory. I consumed two even though I only lit the torch the once. I just tested this again with 5 matches. Light torch, fail once, light the fire on the second time: 3 matches. 


Either the failure of starting a fire consumes a match or the completion does. Or is it possible I am accidentally "partially" lighting my torch (by hitting LMB but not letting the bar complete) and that consumes a match? At any rate look at the use of torches, matches and ignition sources. I am playing on Steam with the current build.

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I literally just tested this myself. That must have changed in a recent patch because I'm almost positive it didn't used to be that way. Should definitely be fixed. The bar shouldn't represent the match getting lit and then lighting the torch; the bar should be a safeguard so you don't waste a match by accidentally trying to pick up a stick with a torch equipped.

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