Graphical Craziness Flashing Trees: Resolved


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I've noticed since the recent Xbox One update of TLD, that the trees are constantly flashing in and out of view. I caught this happening in foggy conditions and it looked quite odd. Definitely distracts from playing the game.

So I've noticed that throughout Mystery Lake is where I notice the worst of this issue. However upon trying to capture it via the XBOX One's built in DVR app, I found that instead of capturing the flashing trees during non-foggy conditions where I am actually surrounded by trees and it is happening all around me. Instead of showing the flashing happening, it merely shows the game stalling.

To check that this is not a symptom of overheating, I left my system off overnight and just started it up about half an hour ago and confirmed that the trees flashing still occurs. I have attempted to capture this again on the built in DVR and will post the video link as soon as I can..

Here is the link to the latest capture of this issue. It is taken from the ML region but I assure you this issue is present in many areas. I will try to capture more areas but I'm not sure how long that will take me.!Aoe8L8-huvHPholHVRAUGyuvx27GGg

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All regions that I've been in so far I've experienced the trees flashing in and out of view. I can try and capture this happening during other conditions as well. It looks quite different when there isn't dense fog.


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I have been playing a lot of TLD lately in hopes of capturing more of this bug on video. Something I have recently noticed is that this bug seems to start up when near some sort of animal. For instance, a corpse and crows flying overhead, or a wolf, or a bear or even just a rabbit. Granted, Mystery Lake seems to be the worst off, with it happening in most heavily wooded areas without needing to be near anything alive, but this bug occurs  in the other maps under these circumstances.

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I actually registered an account to see if this was a known issue. It has only been since the last update but I'm also seeing a lot of this "flashing" happening. For me I get a white flash where the art should be, and it's generally the trees as far as I can tell.

It happens a LOT in foggy conditions, but I'm noticing it during wind, snow, basically any non-sunny atmospheric effects cause things to go haywire. I also tried to capture it but it just shows as a stutter in the capture. I'll try to get some off-screen footage to show what it looks like.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Support

Just to follow up, this is now resolved as of our 4 Days of Night update. While the update didn't contain any specific bug fixes, we did make an exception to address this as we know it's not a pleasant experience. 

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