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Today i came across a twitch stream of a girl trying out tld for the first time. Iz was somehow pretty exciting to watch her having this experience. She was at camp office and didn't know how to get water, so i had to help her a little bit. Her first instinct was to go outside to collect snow to melt (she already had made a fire, but didn't know that you can make water with that).

Anyway, it came to my mind that a tutorial for a few basic things would be very useful. I assume that you will implement this in the story mode and i guess it will not be like a real tutorial but more like integrated into the story. I just want to say, it seems that the knowledge about specific things like how to get water have a bigger impact for the enjoyment of new players than the actual difficulty (pilgrim or voyager). She was so happy when she survived her first day :)

I would say it is enough to know about theradial menu, what you can do with it, the inventory and status menu aswell about that you can melt snow for water inside a house at a stove. Or maybe this is something that could be added to the game? Collecting snow i mean?

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If the devs do implement a tutorial, I'd like to see it integrated into story mode as a prologue from before The Event. Maybe something like a fall camping trip, with an NPC conversing with your character and making suggestions on how to go about some basic survival tasks. It would serve to both familiarize new players with the game mechanics, but also give a bittersweet look at your old life when survival was a hobby, not a life or death struggle.

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Already discussed. Id like to see wiki in game, regarding basic techniques and expanding as player finds new stuff and areas.

Having scenario-type tutorial is a crappy way of introducing player to the game, especially if its part of main story. Firstly, if player needs something hel be forced to rewatch whole thing from a get-go(and he will forget things since he has no context to put them in) or stumble around blindly(then whats the point of that tutorial to begin with), which is simply a waste of time and second, game uses auto-save feature, so every time player would want to rewatch tutorial then he would restart his story mode. Especially bad if that prologue would be mandatory for every new game. And having NPC explaining character how to make a fire would make player feel like a complete moron, ironic considering game main premise of hardcore survival(its not firewatch). Also those lookbacks really serve no purpose and whole work put into them will be forgotten 2 hours into main game and majority of players will never come back to them - imo rather poor investment of dev time and effort.

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