Blood trails disappear when the animal dies


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Yesterday I shot a deer in CH. I followed the blood trail as it wound around up the hill from the shore by Log Sort. As I was trying to climb over the uphill side of the berm on the uphill side of the road when then the blood trail disappeared. I worked around the hill from the downhill side and found the carcass but no blood trail. Today I got a good shot on a bear in PV but it mauled me. I was limping along following the blood trail and it disappeared after a few minutes. I pulled my journal and the bear kills had incremented. I found the carcass about 800 m straight ahead over a small hill with no blood trail around it. I shot a wolf in DP got mauled after following it too closely. When I went back to where I had been mauled, my blood was still on the ground but the trail from the wolf had disappeared. Win7 v.349 Pilgrim.

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I didn't notice problems with the Xbox version, but right now I'm visiting a friend's place and using their PC to play... Definitely having troubles tracking animals once I've injured them. It is highly annoying that the next day my own blood is still on the ground, but the animal's trail is nowhere to be seen. I've also followed a blood trail only for the animal to apparently go nowhere.

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