Ask when throwing research books into the fire.


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When I see those books when I'm throwing stuff into the fire the only thing i can think of is: "One day I'm going to do this automatically, meaning that I will just be throwing stuff, what I'm choosing is going to change I'll be clicking and I'm going to hate myself because I will have thrown one of those"

Another option is making them available for burning only when you have finished them but I guess if one was desperate we could use them. 

Just an idea I keep having every time I go to make a fire and I have to be careful not to select it. 

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I don't see how this is a problem. Researchable books are clearly listed with their title in the cooking menu.

In my last game I just burned a researchable book, but that was because I had two, and I was under the impression that reading the same book again was not going to do anything. According to other forum users, I was wrong (so that's a boost in experience on field dressing thrown out the window right there, no matter, I'll make up for it sooner or later).

Solution: be mindful of what you throw on the fire. Don't mindlessly click. Look before you click.

You really ought to be aware of this by now, since eating raw meat will get you a bad case of food poisoning and harvesting good clothes by accident can get you killed.

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