Snow shelter image - seen through a hill


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I built a snow shelter, and near by was a small hill. I went up the hill and then down the back slope, and when I turned to go back up the hill, I noticed that the image of the snow shelter was
 appearing through the hill, and moved as I approached the peak!

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Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1, Intel core i3-2310M CPU @ 2.10GHz, 6.0 GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics 3000. I applied the override to make the directx 9 version run as opposed to the directX11, and the snow shelter does show up properly in most cases. Here, I had put in on a slope and it freaked out.. But, now that I am thinking of it.. there is a slight similarity and bit of twitchy issue when looking closely at footsteps in the snow. Buuut, /that/ only happens when I've applied the override. I know my chipset isn't really meant to run this game, but the more compatible the graphics are for everyone, the better. <3

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