Tool efficiency to be based on tool quality


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Wouldn't it be nice if the time it takes for you to complete a task using tools depends on the quality of the tool you're using. Currently using different tools to harvest from an animal have different periods of time to perform the task, but why not take this one step further.

A sharp tool should be able to perform a task like chopping wood or skinning an animal much faster than a blunt one, this is quite obvious but is not currently part of the game mechanics.

What is suggested is that the time it takes to perform various tasks like harvesting meat/skinning/gutting and chopping wood to be affected by the quality of the tool you are using. For example a knife with a 20% condition (fairly blunt) should take longer to perform a task than a tool which is at a higher condition of 80% (fairly sharp). This provides an incentive to maintain your tools in good condition rather than use it up completely and to make decisions based on time you have and the condition of tools you have available.

Any thoughts on this?

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