Useful things


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Good Afternoon I wish to add theese things in the game:

  • Possibility to find pieces of the map around the world
  • Other weapons, like handguns
  • Possibility to create molotovs
  • Possibility to create traps for animals
  • Possibility to jump "this is important"
  • The game get deleted on death only if player use an extreme mode
  • Possibility to leave your backpack and found news
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um, I apologize, I do not mean to offend, but let me be blunt, Jumping would alter the layout of the keyboard, you cannot simply say "Molotovs are great" and the reason for perma death is to give you a reason to stay alive, again, I don't mean to be rude, but nearly every suggestion you gave would remove many key components about the game as a whole, also, try throwing a Molotov in the snow! Every suggestion you gave convinces me you are a very large fan of action fps', now, I appreciate responding to suggestions, but these, frankly, aren't suggestions that would make the game better, in fact, it would detract from the game to the point of changing it entirely.

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Welcome tigercatx ;)

 I don't think we should create molotov cause  fuel are rare in TLD and  actually there is no bottle in game and which things you should throw molotov on it?
But i like your idea about backpack. but not to "leave" backpack. cause you die within a day.
but if we can craft a backpack from animal hide it will be great.  

Good luck. :)

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Just now, SPiRiT said:

the map thing is an Idea but not to find them maybe the possibility to draw our own map would be fine i think

maybe, I think it should be a journal section that marks places we visit, your character was a pilot, so I'd assume he has some knowledge of cartography.

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I still dont get how exactly map would ruin the game. I use community made ones all the times, even tho im fairly well familiar with all areas. Sometimes i imagine myself to be an explorer standing on top of the cliff with map in my hand and compass, getting my bearings.

Im not talking minimap or something, but simple topographic map of the area(without marking player location or anything of sorts), where player would make marking on points of interest as he finds them, both automatic and manual. With notebook to be found in addition, allowing for expanded markings and notes(without automatic updating).

Spike traps for wolves and no to jumps.

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