Radial Menu Bug


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I didn't know where to post this, but I'm playing long dark on my laptop, and I have no mouse, I'm using the touchpad on my laptop.  The radial menu doesn't work for me.  I hold down space bar, and then I either try to click or hold the left mouse button, but nothing happens.  I'm using the current updated version .327. 

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MBP, El Capitan user here.

Not having much of an issue with the new UI. But that's because I remapped a couple of keys so I use my left hand predominantly on the keyboard and my right thumb on the touchpad. In my System Preferences I have the trackpad set "Tap to Click" so a light tap from my thumb is all I need to select things. Left thumb on the space bar and right thumb on the trackpad. 

That said, I do agree that having the radial menu toggle able would go a long way towards helping gameplay be easier . . . 

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Guest Support

This can be caused by the key press delay on your track pad, which is often enabled by default. What this does is set a delay timer from when you start to hold a key down, to when you can use the trackpad to avoid accidentally moving the mouse while typing. This is generally under your mouse settings, if you're unsure where this would be let me know what version of windows you're running and I will see what I can do. 

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