Stomach Parasite Exploit

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Apologies if this has already been reported. I'm not much of an active member. There is a way to exploit the new stomach parasite mechanic. As soon as you get a stomach parasite, provided you have enough antibiotics etc to treat it, you can then eat as much wolf/bear meat as you want during this period of illness without any bad repercussions. This felt paradoxical as I was literally stuffing my face with wolfmeat before I took my last antibiotic for the course (as once I had recovered I would have to go back to being careful not to eat too much again). Perhaps if eating wolfmeat/bearmeat would make you drastically more ill if you already have the stomach parasites, then this would be a way to make the disease even more challenging.

Thanks for the fantastic game!

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I noticed this as well, yesterday. I´m quite sure that this is an exploit, isn´t it?

I got the illness and lived on bear and wolf meat during those days - nothing happened. I mean, you should at least get a risk to increase the illness period or something like this. But the way the mechanic works right now feels quite wrong, somehow.

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But you are on the pills so you should be protected right?

I haven't had the parasites since the last update.  Is the rest bar still reverse capped so you can never get exhausted?  If it is I could really put those parasites to work...

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4 hours ago, selfless said:

But you are on the pills so you should be protected right?

I haven't had the parasites since the last update.  Is the rest bar still reverse capped so you can never get exhausted?  If it is I could really put those parasites to work...

That what I would expect the intuitively but I'm not an expert. At least I would expect you would likely be more hardened against the Infection. 

I see it as a trade off. You have to give up valuable resources (currently antibiotics) to get a brief opportunity to fatten up on predator meat. 

I'm okay if the devs feel it needs balancing but I don't know that I would call it an exploit at this point.

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