Sudden Rapid Decay of Bear Skin Bedroll


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I had been camping out in a fishing hut off and on using my bear skin bedroll in a 300+ day voyager game, when I noticed (after about four IRL hours of constant game play, no quitting and reloading the game, just pausing) that the bedroll's warmth bonus had suddenly dropped from 10 to 1.  I picked it up to check and it was at 12% condition when it had been almost 80% last time I had checked a few in game days earlier.  I rushed back to my main camp and used my spare bear hide to repair the bedroll up to about 60% then sat it, rolled up, on the foot of the bed.  I went out to harvest some firewood and such, and when I came back a few in game hours later, it had dropped to 4%!  I hadn't even been using it :(

I took a screen shot, but it probably isn't very helpful.  I've tried to reproduce the issue so I could get more useful data, but so far it hasn't happened again in any of my saves.  Has anyone else experienced something like this?




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Has anyone looked at this yet?  I noticed that my bearskin bed roll was more decayed than expected (only by a couple of points) to a much smaller degree than yours.  Mine looks like it may have decayed a little bit from being out in the open, not in a container?  But I haven't seen the rapid drop that yours did.

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I'm having the same problem. It seems to be when I unroll the bear-skin and leave it under the weather(even inside a fishing hut) for too long(between 24-48hrs). I think it might have something to do with high-winds, but I'm not sure. For instance, maybe the code for the bear skin got confused with code for clothing, so that it degrades when hit by wind and the bear-skin just has a low hitpoint for such a thing(or something).

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On 4/28/2016 at 5:33 PM, Support said:

Could i get you to attach your save files? 

I'm in the process of constructing a new bed roll in that game now, so as soon as the old bear wanders into the fishing cabins again I'll be able to try to reproduce the issue.  If I get a save that has the issue again, what all should I upload?

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Guest Support

Go to c:\users\<yourusername>\appdate\local\hinterland 

Just zip up that folder and attach it to this thread. Thanks!

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  • 2 months later...

Shoot, I already posted this in another spot in the test branch, my bad.  


I experienced this again, same save, but with the regular bedroll.  Are you still looking into this issue?  Should I upload the save files still?


Edit:  I'm just going to upload them just in case.  It's the most recently played save (should be 001) that's having the issue.

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