Wind Shear and directional changes


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The weather plays such an important role in survival in this game and the development team has put such an effort into it's impact on the player character ie. clothing breakdown, wind chill, walking resistance, etc that I believe the only missing quality that would make the experience yet even more immersive would be for the the wind to make the player "veer" off of walking a true straight course.  You get to know some of the maps pretty well, so if you point your character in the right direction, no matter how hard the wind is blowing against you slowing you down, you always still walk in a straight line.  More times than naught I am out in the open walking overly encumbered at slow speed when bad weather roles in...  i just point in the proper direction and keep my finger on the walk key and i eventually end up where i want to go.  Now it would be just fantastic if the wind made my path veer off course due to the wind shear force and with the poor visibility you do truly wander off into the wilderness and the long dark...

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I've considered this as well, this first occurred to me when travelling through the Ravine map between Mystery Lake and the Coastal Highway. In particular the damaged section of the rail bridge where you have to walk on a single rail track, I've done this with 40kg's on my back during a howling blizzard and survived, something no person in their right mind would attempt. This however is not the only element of wind which needs some considering.

When you're walking against the wind, the steam from your breath still travels forward as if the air is still, and objects such as flags which should act as indicators for wind direction don't seem to be affected either and will remain still or hardly move during a blizzard.

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13 hours ago, Axe said:

I've considered this as well, this first occurred to me when travelling through the Ravine map between Mystery Lake and the Coastal Highway. In particular the damaged section of the rail bridge where you have to walk on a single rail track, I've done this with 40kg's on my back during a howling blizzard and survived, something no person in their right mind would attempt.

So true, the ground under that section of trestle should be littered with the bodies of those who didn't make it.  Maybe then we could tie the mountaineering rope to the track, climb down and salvage some good loot, lol.

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