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Posts posted by ShannonByrneArt

  1. @DIANo the moon is not the eye. I have been asked this question a few times so maybe I made a mistake with the moon placement. I first placed the moon where the eye location should be, but to me it looked really silly, because the moon is full and no wolf would be howling with a wide open eye.  I then placed the moon as far away from the eye location as possible, so people would not see an eye, but that didn't seem to work well 😆

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  2. First one was painted in 2020 and was the second canvas painting I had ever done.

    Second was painted in 2021, never quite got it finished due to flying back and forth overseas, so there are a few unfinished areas.

    Third was painted in 2023, seen some similar digital art that I thought was very reminiscent of TLD, so wanted to paint something similar for my wall.

    Forth painting I have only just finished and will be posted soon, hope you like them! ☺️

    TLD 2020.png

    TLD 2021.png

    TLD 2023.jpg

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  3. My name is Shannon and I've been playing The Long Dark since 2018. In 2019 I started getting into painting and the second painting I ever done was inspired by playing this game. Through painting that and posting it onto Steam, I met my now boyfriend, Pierre. We met in person a year and a half later and it has been the most amazing experience of my life, all thanks to this game, so if any member of the Hinterland team reads this, I just want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for making this amazing game. You connected two people who were a world apart and it has literally changed both our lives and given me a happiness I did not know existed. ❤️

    This game is incredibly dear to me and I plan to create many more Long Dark inspired paintings in the future and share them with you fine folk. I have recently just finished another one, so I'll post that in the art section soon  ☺️

    I also thought about maybe putting up a contest at some point, for people to share their best TLD screenshot and I'll paint a few of the best ones mebbe, would anyone be interested in that?

    Thanks for reading! :D

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