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Posts posted by Stranzua

  1. On 8/4/2023 at 9:00 AM, Pencil said:

    This is a great idea. It would be neat for stoves and fireplaces, workbenches, etc. to be found in different places, or find that some major locations are different. What I loved about this game when I first started was not knowing where anything is, and I think a feature like this would revive that kind of gameplay a little. 

    This exactly what I was thinking, especially after completing 'faithful cartographer' and trying Interloper. Randomizing loot and randomizing major shelters could bring that 'freshness' back into the experience. Exploring the island for the first time was the best aspect of the game, in my opinion. It was addicting.

  2. On 8/8/2023 at 10:05 AM, hozz1235 said:

    Possibly, but what effect would that have on gameplay?

    Maybe different minerals could be used for new items like improvised whetsones, improvised firestrikers, or even stone tools. I wouldn't mind having the option to limit, randomize, or remove forges and completely rely on stone tools and arrowheads. Adding a pickaxe and mineral veins in caves could be interesting. These ideas really make me wonder what gameplay elements will be released with the 'industrial mine' because this game still has so much potential.

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  3. I have a few suggestions for bears:

    1. Allow them to roam freely or increase their territory. Instead of just keeping them in small areas, why not keep everyone on their toes knowing that bears can be 'almost' anywhere.

    2. If the bears are free to roam, then maybe hunting bears becomes more like the hunting challenge. If the bear runs away, the bear can be anywhere. Shooting a bear and then finding it in the same spot the next day is like shooting fish in a barrel.

    3. Make bears more aggressive. Once the bear is attacked, now it remembers YOU. It sees you and smells you from further away, and now holds a grudge. If you 'cheese' using a car or shelter, it will now prowl the area, stalk you, and even charge you. 

    4. Remove some of the 'cheese'. For example, a bear should be able to grab you inside a fishing hut and it should be able to grab you over a porch banister. 

    5. Increase calories per piece of bear meat to balance out the smarter AI. 

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  4. My biggest gripe.......the WIND. I don't mind if it slows you down during a blizzard or during heavy winds, but sometimes the wind slows you down even when it feels like it shouldn't. It could be flurries or nice out and even though the wind is not whistling, it can still slow you down to a crawl. Apparently, it takes winds up to 70 mph to give you trouble while walking, and sometimes it feels like the environment and the wind aren't 'in sync'. 


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  5. I made a post about this recently called 'Legendary Game Hunting' and support this idea fully. Personally, I would love it if the Old Bear was in survival mode, and why stop there? Spice up the mid to late game with around a dozen or so legendary creatures and fill Great Bear Island with these random and potentially deadly encounters. Hunt at your own risk! 

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  6. Personally, I love this idea. Any kind of randomization would add even more replay value to a game that already has a lot of replay value, and Hinterland can always start small. Even randomizing something like stoves, ovens, fireplaces, and fire barrels would be interesting. I've never chosen to make Hydro Carter Dam a base because it only has that one fire barrel, and it's not exactly close to any entrance. If you give Carter Dam a 6-slot oven, however, that switches things up a bit. Start changing the forge locations and other things like buildings around, then that adds even more variety to each playthrough.

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  7. After playing Interloper for a little while, for example, I find it extremely tempting to just stay at the Lake Cabin in Mystery Lake. There are plenty of cattails, plenty of rabbits and ptarmigans, a cave close by for cabin fever, and once you start crafting snares or get tools/weapons, you can pretty much stay there forever. 

    So, how would you feel if it was possible for major landmarks/shelters to be either smaller, different, switched, or even completely destroyed? For example, I would love to start a new game where I eventually travel to Forlorn Muskeg only to discover that Spencer's Farm is no longer an 'outside' shelter, but an actual 'inside' shelter. I would love to travel all the way to Mystery Lake only to discover that the Lake Cabin or Trappers are actually destroyed or are now only 'outside' shelters. I would love to travel all the way to Coastal Highway only to discover that Quonset is either destroyed or now an 'outside' shelter. I would love to travel to Timberwolf Mountain/Ash Canyon only to discover that the Mountaineers hut/Angler's Den are now much bigger. I would love to travel to Spencer's only to discover that the forge is NOT there, only to find it on the first floor of the Lake Cabin in Mystery Lake, Trappers, or even inside the Dam, Etc. 

    In my opinion, this can add even more variety and value to certain maps and areas that are mostly used temporarily, turning those regions into long term homes if we wanted to. 



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  8. I know some people want an even harder difficulty than Interloper, so maybe adding permanent debuffs to every frostbite affliction could work for that. Plus, adding it as a custom setting wouldn be great.

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  9. If the geomagnetic phenomena made them extremely deadly in swarms, I would fully support this idea. If you ever played Plague Tales: Innocence, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. It would certainly add more of a horror feel to the game. Allow us to hunt them in small numbers. Getting attacked causes infection risk. Create a new affliction as a result of eating them, along with a chance of food poisoning and/or intestinal parasites. Make their swarms deadly in dark areas. Yes, please.

  10. I don't know if frostbite stacks for the same body part, but this would be great if it did. Maybe the first time you get frostbite it's only a loss of permanent health. After that, however, you lose even more health AND receive a permanent debuff. Sounds like a great idea to me. 

    • Upvote 3
  11. I think this game can just keep adding stuff, especially if all those additions come with custom settings or separate modes altogether. The current state of survival mode should certainly be preserved 100%, but in my opinion, the more the merrier.

    Why not add another mode like 'Survival Plus' that adds NPC's, pets, quests, and human enemies? Blackrock just feels like it should have prisoners trying to rip your head off. It's literally a PRISON! LOL. 

    Anyways, even if they add none of these things, it won't be a problem. The game is great as is. In the end, however, why not?


  12. I have not really been over there on harder difficulties, but even on Voyager the wolves were non-stop. It felt like every time I took one step outside of the maintenance shed/yard there was a wolf popping out of nowhere/stalking me. Eventually I just started shooting them all and that did give me some breathing room........eventually! LOL. On top of that, I had a bear spawn and a moose spawn right behind the shed so that area was crazy active. 

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  13. Personally, I love this idea. I know that a lot of people insist that you are the only person on this entire island, but adding NPC's or even pets could be interesting. 

    1. Instead of turning on the radio during an aurora and hearing the same music every time, maybe it can offer opportunities for quests via PSA's, cries for help, encrypted military messages, or even morse code.  This can also work with the shortwave radio during auroras or glimmer fog.

    2. Random encounters: How would you feel coming across someone surrounded by a pack of Timberwolves, someone being chased by a predator, someone half frozen on the ground or in a cave, someone drowning in Forlorn Muskeg, or someone who fell and lies at the bottom of a rope. 

    3. Each encounter where someone is injured requires you to help them, heal them, feed them, or end their misery.

    4. What if the random encounters included domestic animals like dogs and cats and not just people. What if helping animals resulted in pets residing at your base as a reward. 



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  14. How would you feel if the game went into a more sci-fi direction? If Signal Void hinted to some strange experiments going on behind the scenes, then maybe these experiments are what caused the geomagnetic phenomena. Maybe uncovering some of the islands deeper darker secrets will offer a way to accurately predict or control auroras, or maybe they can even introduce a variety of new electronic devices. 

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  15. I wonder how the cougar is going to work. I know that the geomagnetic phenomena will make them more aggressive, but are they going to be sneaky and/or are they going to announce themselves like the wolves do? Generally, they like to hide in thick bushes and high grass so that they can pounce on their prey, but the snowy landscape doesn't really offer much natural cover besides trees and fallen trees. So, are they going to be able to climb and attack you from trees? Will they be able to climb steep hills that other animals can't climb? Will they be hiding on top of train cars, trailers, and other small manmade structures? Will they instantly attack you if you turn your back to them? Will Hinterland add more bushes, high grass, and big rocks, etc.? 

  16. I don't know about you guys, but the scent mechanic always seemed glitched to me. If I'm carrying 1 piece of cooked bear meat somehow wolves just start popping out of nowhere. After playing with it for a while, I noticed that it was significantly worse with cooked bear meat. With that being said, maybe the scent mechanic is bugged altogether and that's why it seems inconsistent.

  17. How about an alternative like an underground cave system? Signal Void hints toward the possibility of strange experiments and possible underground facilities, and Leandra already mentioned the metal bars inside some of the caves. A map underneath the island could add to the story and offer some kind of 'faster' travel. Part of it can be caves, part of it can be train tracks, part of it can be a waterway traveled by boat, part of it could be connected via a trolley controlled by a crank, or any mixture of these ideas. Add a few secret facilities and this game could be under production for years and I would buy every DLC they come out with.