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Everything posted by HyperLordBender

  1. So started a new save, shot two deer, both ran off and eventually their tracks just stop. No blood trail, no hoof prints and no deer anywhere nearby. Anyone else getting this issue? They were on two different days and yes, I did immediately follow them
  2. I believe the health bar encounter only occurs with timber wolves. So if you encounter normal wolves it wont happen. I remember this episode being the most annoying and intense at the same time, due to the immense amount of wolves. There is a part of this episode that will make things very hard on you. No spoilers but when you go for the radio site come fully prepared with flares and weapons. Marine flares (blue ones) are the best btw at keeping them at bay. However light doesnt scare them away, usually. If you can, kill 4 wolves and make the wolf coat. Makes some of them scamper away.