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Posts posted by xanna

  1. I definitely find stumps for both birch and maple. I thought maybe it's stumps for some of the saplings in a clump if the others do spawn in, but I've for sure walked over stumps where there've been none to harvest. My Harvestable Plant Availability setting is turned to low, though, so maybe that's what's going on (all default modes are set to high).

    • Upvote 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, LostRealist said:

    The way I figure it works is that at a high cooking skill, you get better at hygiene. Meaning you are less likely to inadvertently transfer parasites or their eggs to places where you might ingest them directly. Realistically, this would be the major concern as far as parasites go and it makes sense that you get better at avoiding that as you get better at handling raw meat.

    Very interesting, that makes total sense but I never thought about it. Adding that to my headcanon. ➡️🧠

    • Upvote 1
  3. For me it really isn't about difficulty, it's more about.. 'niceness'. Even if ZoC was as 'easy' as Mystery Lake, with warmer weather and fewer blizzards, less fog and less deadly wildlife, an open-cast mine still isn't my idea of a nice place to spend time. Mystery Lake is a holiday destination, Pleasant Valley, Mountain Town and Coastal Highway are communities.

    ZoC's appeal is that it is interesting and different and dark and requires cool mechanics, certain kinds of planning and figuring out, things that are appealing - very appealing - in a game but not IRL. Other regions are appealing because they are just nice places to be. I'd like more of those, even if they are blizzardy and full of nasty wolves. Just for the balance.

    I hope you get what I mean.

    • Upvote 3
  4. 5 hours ago, Enigmaecho said:

    there’s no reason to go back holds true for more or less all but 3 regions  blackrock or bleak for the ammo forge, and ash for the crampons and backpack

    In fact it's not even 3. I think the OP is concerned about reasons to go back to a region, not reasons to go at all, so Ash Canyon doesn't fit because a player can get the backpack on their first visit and never go back. Forge and ammo forge are the only things we might have to revisit a region for, and since there's more than one of those things, I don't think any specific region has a 'reason' for returning. I'm not sure where the idea that the game is failing if it doesn't give the new regions specific reasons to revist has come from, I don't think it's ever been true.

    I'm going to spend time in a region for the same reason I want to play TLD at all - because it's cool.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 3 hours ago, JanoS said:

    @xanna -- you can cancel harvesting. You just don't get anything out of it. Very dangerous if you harvest 10kg in one go.

    In fact, I know this, I even said so myself:

    On 12/6/2023 at 9:40 PM, xanna said:

    Playing this evening I discovered/realised that the new carcass harvesting stuff means you can't cancel a meat harvest half way and get half the meat like before. If you cancel then you lose all your progress, but still advance time (like breaking down furniiture).

    I should not be allowed to post last thing at night when I'm cross. Thank you for correcting me, @JanoS. Embarrassed now 😳🫣


  6. Another bad effect of the new uncancellable harvestimg - if your fire goes out part way in, the survivor will just carry on harvesting and get cold because you can't cancel out - bad for gameplay and anti-realistic. The more I think about this change the more I feel it's a bad choice with basically no upside. And I'm not normally a negative nelly about new stuff at all, as you guys know.

    • Upvote 2
  7. 2 hours ago, Acthalla said:

    I don't think it's a bad thing to have "one and done" regions mixed in with the more general play areas, but I was hoping we'd get a map or two in this expansion where we could feasibly chill long-term

    I like what I've seen of ZoC so far, but I strongly agree with this point ^^

    I'd love another region that is 'beginner' difficulty in terms of weather and shelter at least, not another that is challenging to this extent. All the new maps have been high difficulty (labelled as 'advanced', or Blackrock and Transfer Pass which are labelled as 'intermediate' but still feel advanced to me), and that feels unbalanced to me. We like the 'beginner' maps too!

    For the record, I am a player who plays various difficulties, but more at the challenging end than the exploring end. I player Interloper/Deadworld/Deadman etc. and my own custom brand of incredibly low resources, so this isn't about my playstyle so much as keeping Great Bear a well-balanced mix of different types of region because all regions have their appeal. We've been skewing to higher and higher challenges and another homey region would restore the balance. I have every faith that Hinterland can make a map interesting and unique without making it harshly difficult.

    Obviously this feedback is gonna be far too late to affect anyting Hinterland is planning, though!

    • Upvote 4
  8. 5 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    I don't think cooking level 5 allows you to eat raw fish without a risk of getting food poisoning.  Doesn't it only stave off the risks of parasites and eating ruined cooked meats?  What I'm thinking is that you would eat before bed and with antibiotics available and then sleep for 10 hours to get rid of the food poisoning (in order to get the major dose of vitamin C from the fresh, raw fish.

    Doy, yes, of course you're right. That was a brain flip. Sorry 😬

  9. 2 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    I've noticed that the Vitamin C quantity in fish drops from "major" to "moderate" once it's cooks and then reverts to "minor" when it decays to the point of being "gamey."  So, I'm wondering about whether "sushi" is a viable cure for scurvy, although I suspect one might have to be prepared to get some food poisonings, but I'm not sure how big the risk of that is when eating raw fish.  Any thoughts on this out there?

    I also think the vitamin C quantity might eventually drop to nothing as the cooked fish decays further.


    I guess this means that more (renewable) vitamin C is available once you have Cooking 5, which might not be intended but it operates as an interesting balance mechanic