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Posts posted by DaGnome91

  1. image.jpeg.700d23e7bbe1e10a79dbdaa08e0d07c5.jpeg

    Looking closely at this image, I'm wondering if the Cougar is hindered or not by the small climbing walls... those form a natural barrier I use a lot to keep predators away as wolves and bears don't climb them (up or down). Will that still be the case ? I shiver, anticipating a surprising face-to-face when you've just climbed up ! The fact that it's hunting you if you stay too long in a (its) territory is just a superb addition ;)


    The heights of the new map will make for a wonderful mix between HRV and Ash Canyon, or so I hope, and I have to say i love those high-pitched places, even more with man-made facilities ^^

    About the "Cheat Death" system, I'm willing to try it : if the trade-off is heavy, say heavier than a good moose-stomping, then that's great ;)

    All in all, a great update, as usual, keep on the good work !

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  2. I'm The Gnome, my first ever role-played character in my first AD&D session. It was not his name of course but this dude lasted quite a bit as an arcane illusionist and a master thief! My friends at that time ended nicknaming my character THE Gnome, that's simple... '91 is when I first connected to the Internet, not my year of birth at all !

    And it seems I lost my favorite thumbnail, I'll replace it asap!

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  3. Well, since we have to pick one thing... I'll take the immersion-oriented bits. The tftft maps are daring to scout and live in and I really love them, but you offered us a lot of new immersive things along with those : see-through windows, and more buildings that you enter without zoning in, carcass harvesting animations, and finally hand-coverings (and yes, what a technical breakthrough) !
    These things, as much technical as they are (and they are, I can understand that), made the game even more brilliant ! You had a very nice and balanced game, you made it even more immersive, in ways many of us thought impossible.

    Bravo !

    • Upvote 3
  4. The map on the wall is not of the same place as Great Bear at all ;)
    I can see missions'tabs on the mirror, if I'm correct.

    A microphone and radio, (long waves or CB-type may-be), insulated flask and a small tv set (black&white only, might be a camera relayed).

    All in all, good promises :)

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  5. The result of my check : well, it decays, really slowly... 1% every 30 days seems a good calcul to me. On a side note, it didn't take any failing damage : 1 is at 96% (my first stored, can't remember when I left it there), the 9 others are at 99%, and it's been 30 days precisely since I stored them here !

    About decay rate, I stored them inside the Control Tower in FA, didn't try to leave them outside... but it can have an impact.

    This is in a Voyageur run by the way ;)


  6. On 1/3/2024 at 5:05 PM, I_eat_only_wolf_meat said:

    I'm loathe to spoil it for you, but they typically show up in areas that are more "notable" in the game.  Areas with richer loot possibilities.

    That seems to be true for all save for the Jackrabbit Transport flask, which is always (?) exactly where you might suspect it is, given the logo and the game's lore.

    Thanks, I was beginning to think my actual run would not see those flasks, I'll look into it a bit more. As I said earlier, I might have overlooked some places ;)

  7. Now that there is a "mostly windproof" workbench a few meters from the Island Cottage on Drift Island, I'm finding myself more and more living there ! In need of cloth, iron or a furnace, I'll make a quick run to the main hangar, but except for this you can stay there an unlimited amount of time : wood is everywhere, several plants nearby, as well as all the game you want to hunt ! Does and rabbits all around the cottage, a moose just in the Creek, wolves a few meters away, deers in-between, and easy access to 2 bears (really not far).

    There are of course some downsides : if you're into firearms or need to repolish your tools, the closest ammo-bench and milling machine is in the Cannery in BI. Not the safest place to go, in particular if you need to haul coal, iron and some fir logs : all of the materials are quite heavy, so you'll have to place a stone-cache in an exchange zone. But even that longrun is now easier with the travois !

    I have to say the Mountaineer's Hut will stay in my heart (easier access to ammo-bench and milling machine, I admit), but this place is becoming the really good spot on the other side of GBI ;)

  8. On 12/20/2023 at 8:16 PM, Dan_ said:

    That's actually pretty clever advice. I have most of the middle of the map filled and all points of interest/caves, but there's plenty of dark spots and unmapped unnamed trails, gonna start paying more attention to those and using the map. Also, mapping the vista spots, haven't done that even though I've mapped the Boss' lookout before getting the polaroid. 

    In your experience, can you conceivably find 10 birch saplings in this region? I got the ones near the wall of the waterfall closest to the pond by Unquenched Extraction and a single one standing before the river crossing just before it. I need to comb the upper and lower parts more carefully to see if I can find an extra 5. I want to stay here at the zoc for 100 days, but I only brought 15 arrows and some extra arrowheads, I'm down to 6 arrows now after 35 days and a lot of killing. 

    Oh, and spoilers about particularly easy to spot birch stands would be appreciated. Thanks Hozz!

    Up the big southern waterfall, go south again, you'll find a small zone with several big birches, birch bark around and several birch saplings. Then north, after the highest point of the waterfall, in or near a chemical spill, you'll find some more birch saplings. I found some more near Scaffholder's Hideout and around Harrowed Residence... and I think there are also some in both moutain passes. I can't say exactly how many there are in the whole map, but I'd say something around 20, and almost the same number of maple saplings. This is in Voyageur.

  9. 8 hours ago, artmunki said:

    Another almost-advantage I thought of earlier - long game players will finally get some use out of all those extra deer hides we have lying around! Now we just need to find something new to do with moose & bear hides too.  ^_^

    Make a dressing out of them ! I have several wolf coats, deer pants, deer boots (wearing Mukluks), rabbit mittens (wearing Gauntlets), rabbit cap, and only one Moose Coat. But so many pelts lie around in so many places, I was actually thinking about opening a store ^^

  10. 3 hours ago, artmunki said:

    Yeah, I'd kinda like it if you could just drop it without deploying too, and the lighting issue others have mentioned can be a little frustrating, but it's a great addition. If only because I can now harvest a whole moose or bear in one go (or several deer, as I've also done already), load it all on the sled, and drag it back to somewhere better suited for cooking without having to make multiple trips. I'm getting used to the limitations - just takes a little forethought to consider your route.

    I agree, it's a superb addition to the game. Of course it takes some time to adjust to your playstyle, but that's totally normal ! I was merely pointing at the actual restrictions, but again I find it's a great new tool ! :)

  11. Actually, I like the region, a lot ! My preference goes for the "left/bottom" part of the map, which is more nature-oriented : from the Old Corral, just following the riverbed to the swamp area and then up either to Trasnfer Pass further west or back south to to Welkin's Window in the mountain range. Both sides of the riverbed have what you need to survive : ptarmigans, rabbits, deers, wolves (standard) and a bear for hunting ; rose hips, burdock, OMB, reishi mushrooms and birch bark for healing. Throw some birch and maple saplings along with cattails and acorns, and you're set ! 3 caves, one of which hosts a bear, and 2 loading cave-systems to evade glimmer fog (or even benefit from it), you can stand a siege just staying in this zone in which you can encounter poisoned wolves only near the Unquenched Extraction. The mine itself proposes several ways to access a workbench easily (no need for canister if you're unburdened).

    The rest of the map is also very nice : the right side of the map around Boss's Settlement can also provide food and some tools ! If you want, you can just make a run to Idle Camp for some clothes, food supplies and tools...

    Finally, the center of the map is heavy with chemical spills, which can be used to evade the poisoned wolves (they run away from them) if you're equipped with the rubber boots and the filtering mask. The buildings are full of tools, metal scrap, cloth, and wood.

    All in all, the zone might be full of danger if you go head-on, but it's nicely balanced ! Congrats @Admin, this is a really great zone.

    • Upvote 4
  12. For what it's worth, you can repair it for 70% at Mending level 5...

    On a side note, for those of you that still think it's low in terms of maneuvrability, remember you can move backwards too ! This can let you turn and face the way you want to go easily ;)

    The only restrictions I see right now are the following :
    1. you can't drop it closed : deploy it (outside or in a cave, but not in any loading interior), or carry it.
    2. you can't squeeze through tight passages.
    3. you can't go up steep slopes, sometimes even not down them.
    4. you can't lower or bring it up a rope (except in your backpack).
    5. you can't run, even a very short distance (and it has nothing to do with your fatigue or endurance level).

    Points 1 and 5 are the 2 things I'd love to see reworked but these restrictions all make sense in the TLD world, so I'm quite fine like that :)

  13. Are you sure it's decay? Is it possible that you fell, even from a small height, when you had it in your inventory ?

    I'm asking because I collected 7 of them (at 100%) then 2 more (at 100% too) but not before I had a small fall in-between (to evade a wolf). When I wanted to stock them in my "kitchen", I had 2 different stacks in my inventory. I didn't watch precisely what was explaining the 2 stacks, but it can make some sense if my fall "injured" the 7 first...

    I'll have a look during my next session and keep you posted ;)

  14. I'm not the one to argue against the obvious... but still, I must say that the only obvious thing we know is that the Langston Mine sign is pointing to the right.

    If you follow that road to the right, it divides quickly in 2 different directions : one is going to a tunnel entrance next to the climbing spot without rope, and one is going to Immutable Hesitation. We still don't know where each of these roads lead, if they lead anywhere ! But we'll soon see ;)

    • Upvote 1
  15. I like the idea of Baker Island too... but my personal feeling is that GBI is purely fictional, probably based on what our British Columbians best friends (aka Hinterland) know and love of the different islands along the Canadian coast. If I had to hazard a guess, that's what I'd go for : a big mix ;)

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