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Posts posted by Ansible

  1. 3 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    Can't you reload from an earlier save?  It'd be a shame to lose the run because of that.

    Wasn't a big deal to start a new run. I started off in Broken Railroad again, and found that the location that this hole is in is called "Foundered Railroad", if that helps anyone. At least I think that's the name. It disappeared from the screen so fast, and I can't figure out how to access the area name again... 😢

  2. I hope that was a nicely vague enough clickbait title to get people to want to click on this. Anyways, in the new areas I found a hole, that I can't get out of, so my first new survival game since the release is dead, and I can't proceed any further. Usually Hinterland is great about finding these and making sure players can't get themselves into a place that they can't get themselves out of, but this one is a HUGE major oversight.

    The location is right here on the map, where my mouse pointer is:


    Here's a couple screenshots showing the surrounding area from BEFORE I fell in the hole:


    So, when you're coming into the new area from the tunnel, if you take the "top route", you can use a rope to get down to the lower part. Well, there's a cave you come across. Enter that cave and take the right turns, and you can enter an area that's actually HIGHER than the high area you originally came from, as you can see in the screenshot above. Well, I turned around and saw a broken tree going into a hole. Being the naturally curious Long Dark player as many of us are, I figured that Hinterland wouldn't put a hole there if I wasn't meant to explore down there. I was wrong, oops:


    Here's another perspective where my back is up against the wall (corner). This shows pretty much everything that's in the hole, and the "lay of the land" if you will. No way to escape:


    That tree is too steep to walk up, and all of the rest of the rocks are either too jagged, or tilted in TOWARDS the hole rather than away from the hole, so that I can't "mountain goat" climb my way out by using the trick where you somehow magically walk on the side of the sheer surface of the rock wall.

    So... I'm stuck. I can keep the game as it is and start a new one, if Hinterland wants my save file to precisely locate the hole. Or, maybe what I gave in this thread is good enough?

  3. Right now, in the carcass harvesting menu, the game "remembers" the last option you picked. If you picked no tools the last time, then the next time you go to harvest a carcass, it'll also show no tools as the default. Same with other tools like the knife and the hatchet. Whatever you chose before is the default the next time you enter that menu.

    That's awesome! I just want to see that behavior proliferated to ALL of the other "tool/crafting" screens. If I'm going to craft a snare with my Quality Tools, I'd like that to be the default the next time I go to do the same thing again. Right now, it appears to default to no tools. It's a minor irritant for me that it'll work one way in the carcass harvesting screen, and another way on all the other screens!

    • Upvote 6
  4. On 11/12/2022 at 9:04 AM, Ghurcb said:

    Personally, I'm not in favor of adding new UI elements on top of existing ones. I think this problem could be better solved by closer tying your character's ability to see and the amount of light in the environment. The light level indoors is only linked to the time of day (and maybe weather?), so it's fairly predictable. The different boundaries could be set for different houses (maybe even different rooms), making it about the same level of dark when you can't read/sew/etc anymore. Of course, there would still be a gray area of "it's dark, but is it dark enough?", but at least it would make more sense.

    Yeah, either way. I just want things to be consistent. Because when I CAN survey when it looks like this outside:





    And I CAN'T survey when it looks like THIS outside, and I can literally see a mile in front of my face clearly:




    Something ain't right!




    • Upvote 1
  5. I just figured out the problem, and I think it should be noted to the Devs as a bug. Even though my map shows the polaroid icon for that location, apparently I have NOT actually collected the polaroid for that location!

    I think the polaroid icon shouldn't show up on the map until you've actually collected the polaroid first, even if you have already been there. This can be confusing for players that think they should be able to map that area and spend hours trying to map an area that they can't!

  6. Reporting that I have the same problem here... the Vista Location won't show onscreen nor let me survey it, even though I walked all around the north shortwave tower. There seems to be some sort of bug here. This isn't the first time this has happened for me either, and sometimes I can map it, and sometimes I can't, even in the same spot. It seems to be random.


    Here you can see I'm right on top of the spot, and there's no notification onscreen:



    And here's RIGHT where I'm standing roughly Southwest of the tower on the map:




  7. I've got a simple one to add to this. A "Harvest All" button. As it stands right now, I have to click the right arrow like 72 times just to harvest all of my bear meat. It's a real pain in the tuchus. I'd love there to be a ">>" arrow to the right of each ">" arrow to "choose all", and also perhaps at the very bottom of that screen a "Harvest All" button itself, to harvest all the meat, guts, and skin, before you click the "Harvest" or "Done" button.

    That QoL improvement would decrease my main frustration with the game GREATLY.

    • Upvote 2
  8. On 5/7/2022 at 10:10 AM, Ghurcb said:

    I'd prefer it if devs improved the wildlife AI so that you can't get so close to a deer.

    When a wolf attacks you, you use your melee weapons in self defence. And that makes sence. The interaction was initiated by the wolf, and fighting is the only choice you have. But would it make sence for the same interaction to start when a deer runs into you? "Okay, apparently, I'm stabbing that deer now for some reason..." 

    Or do you want "Kill" prompt to appear when you are close to a deer?


    Except that not all of us avoid wolves. With the right amount of cloth available to make bandages, and enough aspirin/rose hips, intentionally running right into wolves and meleeing them (with proper application of button mashing) is a totally viable method for getting meat if you don't have any guns/bows, or are low on bullets/arrows!

    Sure, if we want to avoid the "attack" screen like that which comes with the wolves, I suppose a menu option coming up would be sufficient if you can get close enough to a deer's hitbox. I think it'd make more sense though to have an attack scene similar to that with the wolves and the moose, and the deer could even do some damage to you, but maybe just not as much as a moose would.

  9. Currently, it's quite possible, if you're brave, to intentionally run into wolves and use a hunting knife to start a fight with them. Win the fight, and you can cause them to run and bleed out. Then you can follow the trail and either finish them off, or wait until they bleed out all the way and die. Then you can get at that skin, guts, and all that yummy yummy wolf meat.

    Why can't we do that with ALL wildlife? I'm specifically thinking especially about deer here. Let me give you an example. Due to a recent bug that I noticed with the game, sometimes wildlife gets "stuck" running in place. Well, I was in a place where I didn't have any deadly weapons on me, just my flare gun to try to "scare away" dangerous wildlife. However, I came across a deer that got stuck running from me, and just for fun, I decided to shoot the deer in the booty with the flare gun. It was HILARIOUS:




    But that really got me to thinking - even without that recent bug, if we could get a deer to LITERALLY run into our "hitbox"... I've had it happen many times before where a deer got confused, turned around, and ran right into me... why can't the game invoke the same kind of screen that a wolf encounter does... where we have a chance to stab the deer with the knife we have on us?

    I realize that the game isn't meant to be 100% realistic, but honestly? If a deer is running right INTO me... why can't I hold out a knife and stabbity stab it?

    I'm thinking of the cases I've had a lot of times where a melee weapon are all I have, I have spent hours in game looking for a gun without success and I'm starving. I want to Tarzan that stuff and stab me some wildlife!!!

    What say you?

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