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Posts posted by Ansible

  1. This one's fun, and MUST be a bug... right? Well I'll consider it a feature then... I found this while trying to complete As The Dead Sleep. There's a spot in Mountain Town where if you start climbing up the side of the mountain, you can keep on climbing... even when the mountain stops. That's right, climb right up into the air and keep on climbing... you can literally walk on air! It's probably more impressive with a video, which I didn't take yet, but here's some screenshots which also show the location.

    And yes, the second image **IS** me looking straight DOWN:


  2. Okay, this one MUST be a bug... right? I'm doing the Archivist challenge, and I'm almost near the end of it... I go to the Desolation Point lighthouse to get that one, and since it isn't an auroroa, I proceed to harvest everything inside the lighthouse, since I've got time to kill. So, I chop down the desk that the laptop is sitting on, and the laptop surprisingly falls on the floor properly this time instead of floating.

    HOWEVER, next aurora comes around, and the laptop is lit up, but I CANNOT interact with it in any way... no prompt comes up, no matter how close I get to it, or what angle I approach it from. Is this run doomed because I went all Jack Nicholson on the desk???





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  3. 2 minutes ago, diggity said:

    I didn't know that was deliberate, thought it was just coincidence or branding so that's good to know thanks.

    It basically is branding. It's nothing required by the FDA or anything like that. It's just what companies have sort of all informally agreed on to help move the product easier. I suspect that for each drug, it started with one company doing it, and then they were successful, then everyone else that got into the market copied them.

    You could look at this phenomena one of two ways:

    • Optimist - companies do this to let customers know at a glance what drugs they should be able to expect to find in a container without having to read it
    • Pessimist - companies to it to sort of "trick" consumers into buying their product instead of their competitors product with the same drug
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  4. I have a whole thread for weird things I find in the game that bother me. This thread is the opposite. What are a few things that are "nice touches". Little things that you like about the game that make you think a lot of thought was put into it. I'll start:

    • After harvesting animals, if you "Level Up" while you're harvesting, all previously harvested carcasses that are still around appear to have some extra meat in them to harvest when you go back to them. Which means you can get a little more meat... showing that you're a better harvester.
    • The beauty of the auroras.
    • Being able to use cans to boil water, and taking water out of toilets.
    • The little comments that the PCs make during regular day-to-day activities. They may get tiresome to some, but I personally find Astrid's voice calming, so that's why I always choose Female at the select screen when starting a new run. It's like having a friend there along with you on the lonely Canadian frontier!
    • Upvote 3
  5. Another oddity. I've noticed that some of the new foods implemented with the new cooking system allow you to "overeat". This includes potatoes and carrots.

    Other foods in the past, your character would munch away, until the hunger bar got full, and then would stop. It was a great way to conserve food and not waste it. Now, with these new foods, you have to pay attention the bar and Esc/Cancel out of the eating the moment you see it just about to be full, to prevent wasted calories.

    Not sure if that's intentional or not, but the old foods still use the old "auto-stop" behavior, so I'm not thinking that it is.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 29 minutes ago, odizzido said:

    The strangest thing about the pain meds is you have to select the specific thing when taking them or it does nothing. First time I tried using them it confused me as to why it wasn't working.

    I think the strangest thing is that you can take painkillers twice in a row or more - one time for each affliction. You try to take 6 acetaminophen all at once in the REAL world - and you'll probably DIE.

    If they wanted to go with more realism, they'd let that one dose heal all current applicable afflictions, and then prevent you from receiving more of those applicable afflictions for X amount of time.

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  7. 18 minutes ago, KingFuzz said:

    @Ansible friggin bears. Still, 135 days on your first Stalker run is pretty good! 

    Thanks. Honestly, it kind of bothers me that the bear is sitting there running around me and wanting to kill me, but can't because I'm in the middle of the harvesting animation. I feel like the developers dropped the ball a bit there... the bear should be able to INTERRUPT the harvesting animation and maul me!

    What would be even better and more realistic though (though I'm sure probably SUPER hard to code!) would be to allow us to look around WHILE the harvesting animation is happening... so that we could perhaps see a bear coming, interrupt/cancel the harvesting, and book it! Right now, you're basically taking a risk every time you start the harvesting animation!

    • Like 1
  8. Here's something that I think must be a bug, because I don't recall the devs ever stating that they had changed this behavior. In the past, when you were trying to transfer stuff from your inventory into a container, you could start the transfer process with any stack of stuff, even if the whole stack would be too much weight for that container to hold. The game would just tell you that you can't transfer that much.

    Instead, now, once you try to start to transfer a stack that's too big to all go into a container, where before you'd get the interface pop up that would ask how much you want to transfer, instead the interface no longer pops up, and you just get the "ert!" noise that plays whenever you try to do something that you can't do.


    For this example below, I have a stack of tinder. The container has 0.49kg of space left in it where I should be able to put stuff, which means I SHOULD be able to put 9 of those 12 tinder into that container because they each only take up 0.05kg of space. However, I can't. The game just says "ert!" and doesn't let me even try. Has this changed as a formal change somewhere listed in the change log and I just missed it? Or is it a bug? I don't know!


  9. On 12/22/2023 at 11:21 AM, diggity said:

    I'm still wondering why pain pills don't fix the headache...

    This really REALLY bothers me. Especially since, as the husband of a pharmacist, I'm familiar with the "color coding" of all of the pill bottles:

    • RED - Tylenol, aka acetaminophen
    • BLUE - Advil, Motrin, aka ibuprofen
    • Yellow/Brown/Green - Bayer, Ecotrin, aka aspirin

    Obviously "painkillers" in the game are meant to be acetaminophen, which is specifically and famously known for treating HEADACHES, whereas ibuprofen is more known for treating MUSCLE ACHES.

    • Upvote 4
  10. I am just really starting to get into this community after a couple of years of playing TLD solo. So I finished what exists of Wintermute a LONG time ago and wasn't around the community to post any of my thoughts on it. FANTASTIC story overall, it does an amazing job of telling the story of the slow descent of the world into ruin. Depressing, melancholy.... it's just art. I make sure to watch the opening theme EVERY time I restart a Wintermute chapter, because it is perfection itself.

    But. (There's always a but)

    Father Thomas creeps me the HECK out. The whole first time I was playing Episode 3 I expected him at some point to turn evil, and... I don't know... turn into some David Lynch - type eldritch monster. There is just something about him that's... unsettling to me. It could be the way he's always looking down all the time... or the way he's always got his hands down in front of him like he's playing with his crotch on the down-low...


    ...or maybe it's his "baby talk" type of voice that I don't think I've ever heard anyone use except when making fun of other people.

    Something about him just CREEPS ME THE HECK OUT. I mean, going through the rest of the story, I realize he's an innocent... I mean, I THINK he is... but I even try to avoid replaying Episode 3 many times just because his affectations creep me out so much. He just seems so out of place compared to all of the other characters in the story. Hell, even Mathis acts more like a "normal" human being than he does, as insane and evil as he is.

    Am I the only one??

    • Upvote 2
  11. Around 100 days into my very first Stalker run after a couple of years of doing nothing but Voyager (sorry, I'm American, I'm not going to add that unnecessary French "u" in Voyager!), I had come across a bear AND a moose right next to each other in Mystery Lake by the Trapper's Hut:


    There were also TWO wolves to the left of them off-screen. No stupidity at this point, I managed to kill them both, and got myself a nice moose cloak (I'd already earned a moose satchel earlier in the run). I also got a TON of meat:


    Fast forward to day 135 and I'm in Bleak Inlet, wearing a Wolfskin coat and my Moose cloak so I'm warm an toasty. I get attacked by a mob of Timberwolves, but managed to kill two in a row with my bow and scare the rest off. I harvest one, then go to harvest the other. At this point, I'm at harvesting level 5 so it took me less than an hour to harvest it. But halfway in the middle of harvesting, I hear some "tink, tink" noises around me during the harvesting animation, but can see nothing.

    The moment the harvesting animation ends... I see good ole Yogi start to maul me (not my image, I didn't think to take a screenshot):



    Since it's Bleak Inlet, it's SUPER freaking cold, so while I'm slowly dying of hypothermia after the bear attack, I'm desperately trying to locate and collect a couple of sticks so that I can start a fire. With the way super low condition makes you for some reason walk BACKWARDS when you push forwards and walk like a drunken mule... needless to say, I failed to collect the sticks and met my maker that day.



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  12. Okay, since it's been over a week and there's been no official reply, I'm just going to go ahead and start posting debug screenshots of what I'm going to now call "oddities" that may or may not be bugs, but certainly don't appear to be an intentional design choice.

    Here's one:


    1) That cloth should not be floating in the air, and 2) that wooden hut should should be on FIRE right now (kidding on the second one!)


    Floating flare gun case


    This ladder in Milton should be harvestable, as wooden ladders are elsewhere. In fact, there's a LOT of things in Milton that should be harvestable that are elsewhere. I just started an Archivist run, so I'll probably have a bunch of screenshots from there next.