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Everything posted by adventurehawkins

  1. Oh you must see it. Easily one of my top favorite horror movies of all time! The vibe that the movie has during the blizzard is spot on with the game.
  2. I know! It will probably never happen as I know Great Bear wasn’t about tourism…but what if it was on the outskirts and Great Bear didn’t want to associate themselves with that region. Idk lol
  3. Okay gang…hear me out. I know Great Bear didn’t have tourism but… What if there was a region that had a run down hotel similar to the one in The Shining?? Full blown hotel kitchen, dining hall, 3-4 floors, etc. I imagine it would be big but not overwhelmingly. Some parts of the hotel are blocked off from caved in ceilings so it turns into a bit of a maze to get around in some spots. Maybe a couple of wolves that wandered in can be found on a certain floor with good loot. Ultimately the idea is that it would be terrifying to walk through in the sense that it would FEEL haunted. Electricity wouldn’t work obviously but during the aurora the long halls would flicker with light making it even more eerie. Maybe the occasional phones would ring? I just think it would add a creepy element and a fun maze to explore. Plenty of beds to sleep in. Maybe there could even be a hidden key that opens to a presidential suite that has a balcony revealing a gorgeous view of the region. You could even make it difficult to get to by having the only entrance to the hotel be through a topiary maze similar to the one in the Shining. I just think this would be amazing
  4. Just wanted to drop the playlist link to my scripted Long Dark series where I narrate my survival adventures with a somewhat cinematic approach. I already posted episode 1 here last month but wanted to make sure people were aware that I kept going 😂 Thanks for all the love, kind words and support. I’m really enjoying this process and I plan to continue for quite some time. ❤️
  5. Hey everyone! I started a new series that plays out like a visual radio drama (if that makes sense). I thought of the idea after physically journaling my voyager survival run and decided to start from scratch when I decided to try this out. Let me know what you think! Hope you enjoy 😊
  6. Oh glad to hear you found a cheaper alternative! And yeah it’s way more fun. If my girls find this one day they’re either gonna think I got stuck in the Canadian Wilderness and survived or I’m hehe biggest nerd of all time 🤣🤣🤣. And I play on the PS5 and there’s a way to download your screenshots from the app to your phone. Im terms of getting photos to your phone would be either emailing yourself the photos, or upload them to a Google drive account and have the Google drive app on your phone. Let me know if you have any further questions on that. Are you playing on PC?
  7. Thanks! I highly recommend it. For the photos I just download the screenshots to my phone and use the KODAK Step mini wireless printer.
  8. Haha! Just now realizing how small this community really is. Good to see you here!
  9. I’m actually really enjoying the process of physically journaling my first survival run vs doing it in the digital journal. Plus attaching my screenshots makes it even feel more genuine and special. It’s also nice since I don’t have too much time to play each week so I’m able to remember my last play session much better as I have to recall my decisions and actions. That and I can always go back to my journal to help me remember where I left certain items, etc.
  10. The 2nd photo looks edited but I had just sprained my ankle and didn’t have any medication for the pain so it made a natural blur around the edges. Beautifully timed I guess 😂
  11. Got these while playing Wintermute on Hardened the other day. This game continues to amaze me with its absolute beauty.