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Posts posted by MartinSand92

  1. Hi, i’m having a problem at the moment. I played on my survival mode save game yesterday, and i’m pretty sure I saved the game using a sleeping bag before turning of the game. I was on my way through the cave leading to HRV. The game saves as usual, I enter HRV and explore around the map a bit, I find a open cave (the kind that not lead to a loading screen). At this point I was getting ready to turn off the game. So I pulled out the sleeping bag to save my game. I sleep/pass time to save progress. Waited until the «saving» prompt goes away and turn off the game. Going back to it today, all of a sudden the save point is back at the cave entrance going to HRV. But I remember saving when I was IN HRV. It’s like the game sets me back to a savepoint previous to the last savepoint you make. Anyone having the same issue? It happened to me twice, the first time I thought it was just me misremembering my last play session. 

  2. Hello from Norway! I’ve been playing TLD since May. I’m loving every moment in this game. Coming from a nordic country myself, I feel right at home in this harsh winter landscape. Most unique graphics style in gaming i’ve seen. Looking forward to share knowledge on this community. I’ve mastered the Stalker difficulty, so I tried Interloper thinking I was SO good at the game now. Didn’t survive 1 day! Love it!