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Posts posted by sonics01

  1. I don't think HL will include new rifles or guns in the TLD. Even if they have such plan, that will be very low priority. I cannot recall exactly where was it, but as far as I remember, devs already declared they are not interested in more firearms because they are not interested to transform TLD to shooting oriented game, they wrote something similar to this sentiment. 

    I also thought musket or flintlock or crossbow would be great for interloper, only as a craftable item after level 5 of rifle skill, which takes a long time and large amount of ingredients. But I don't think HL will implement such things, at least in foreseeable future. 

    So, I think, if additional rifle/shotgun/musket or whatever firearm is implemented, that would be via user modding rather than HL official. However, this will be really difficult and time costing work. Because this will require not only 3D modeling for new firearm (and dedicated ammo if that weapon requires it), but also animations for firing and reloading (including animation for movement of hand of the character and animation for ejecting shell casing as well) should be modded as well. 

    There are some good free/purchasable 3d meshes/models and 3D animset for ammo and firearms and firing person in Unity asset store, but I don't know if these meshes and models and animsets are 1:1 100% convertible without any editing for TLD, because TLD is not using high quality 3D art style like other 3D games, instead TLD is using its own unique art style. Plus, working for 3D animation wouldn't be an easy one. 

    If I know how to do these, and I would really go for it, I have something in my mind. But well, I have no idea as well.

    We know HL is working for modding tool, but we don't know when will coming out, and we also don't know how much and how far they will allow to mod via their official modding tool. 

  2. I suggested Colt C19 rifle before. It is made-in-Canada rifle for Canadian Rangers, replacing ages-old LE rifles. This should appeal to the feeling of "Canada". As far as I know, at the moment of 2020, replacement project is over and almost all Rangers are being trained and using C19 rifles.

    I don't think HL will make a new rifle for us. Even if they have a plan, it would be low priority, not to mention that I don't think HL have such plans for new rifle model. So I don't think we will see a new rifle from HL.

    Best chance will be a user mod. I wish HL publish the modding tool for TLD, so that many talented modders could easily implement new items and new ideas and etc. Right now, as far as I know, modding is very limited due to IL2CPP. It is possible but very tricky. 

  3. Yeah, as an option for custom mode game, why not? If anyone wish to enjoy the horror contents, we can turn on. If not, we can turn off.

    Would it be too burden for HL to code/script this contents as a part of survival mode custom option? I don't know, but the answer of your question would depends this question , and HL's budget and manpower. Personally, I don't think such modification (making darkwalker as a custom option) would be significantly challenging, but who knows? I'm not in HL, and I guess HL would knows their game the best. 

  4. You will never gonna know, things and contents devs tested, learned, and played around during events would be implemented in the survival mode and/or story mode in the future. It is their chance to run and test if their contents are running without bugs, or if they burden the resource of player's PC or console. Plus it is a chance for them to take some feedback from players.

    Then, after a while, who knows? After devs tune and fix and repair, we may able to see all or a part of new contents in story mode and/or survival mode. For example, anxiety and fear affliction contents are really cool, I wish if they can introduce these in story mode and/or survival mode. 

    Not to mention that event mode games itself is fun and some players love that. You have no right to interfere or block other player's (including me) wish to enjoy scary events during event game.

    Plus, regarding MP, I think a lot of people already discussed in here, but MP in this game is not possible. I know it would be fun, I agree with that, but a lot of time acceleration dynamics are the core of the game. It is too late to change, too difficult and costly to change. HL may interested about MP in their other game, but not in TLD. 

    I also like the idea of sled and binocular. But I also understand dev's burden to develop this game under limited budget and manpower. 

    Binocular mod was there in the past, but it never returned after IL2CPP. But who knows? Maybe in the future, or maybe after HL introduces official modding tool? I would love to see binocular as a official contents, but its impact and importance are not significant, so I can imagine the priority of binocular would be rather low, even if HL has a plan to implement the binocular. 

    I also would like to see sled and I like that idea, but similar story with binocular. If sled is introduced, a lot of things are needed to be adjusted and balanced for the challenging game. That will be a ton of work for this small studio. I won't be optimistic about it, even if HL has positive attitude towards the sled, and I think HL would not be positive to sled from the first place... 

    Meanwhile, since this game's story mode already has a function of carrying bodies, I would love to see carrying/dragging body of wolf and deer. That would be possible. But, still, the cost of time and manpower to implement such contents would not be negligible. So, I understand dev's plan and schedule for their game. But if they do, or if some modder do with modding tool, that would be great. 

    • Upvote 1
  5. On 10/30/2020 at 10:30 AM, Deadbolt0804 said:

    I really like the depression idea. I was thinking of something similar a couple months ago. I wanted a depression mechanic that was triggered/increased by the looting of dead bodies, constant animal attacks, and the lack of any type of social interaction. If you don't treat the depression over time it progresses and affects your stamina and requires more sleep (lethargy) then leads to apathy where the character won't always follow your commands. It would eventually become despair where the character won't eat and slowly loses health and has an ever increasing risk of just laying down and giving up. I couldn't think of a good way to treat the condition (except a Wilson from Cast Away type of totem to 'talk to', or a new med item). My thought wasn't to make light of the condition but to emphasize how a lack of social interaction would affect someone surviving alone for so long who is seeing constant reminders that everyone is dead. 


    On a side note loss of sleep should totally have a hallucination effect where you hear and see things that aren't there. Maybe a flash of hazy slightly opaque black fur just at your peripherals. Ever stay up a couple days without sleep? The world gets trippy.  


    Great points, especially about linking the depression mechanism with sleep and stamina. Plus, I really agree that the influence of being cut off and loneliness would be more or less negative towards a lone survivor, especially if the survivor entered "flourish" stage. Once harsh moment of initial struggle against the nature is gone, and after people well prepared, then people will think about other things than survival. That would be the moment when things like depression kicks in. 

    Well said about hallucination and lack of sleep. I also wish to see such contents in the future. 


  6. 2 hours ago, oplli said:

    what you suggest is the same thing than cabin fever but less punishing. I dont think it is necessairy.



    2 hours ago, oplli said:

    This would be extremely annoying. 50 wolves is like the number of wolves you kill in a 150-200 days run.



    2 hours ago, oplli said:

    No thanks again. I think  that it would be so annoying. having to clean a gun every two hours wich is exactly every 12 mins in real time. just a waste of resource and it has no use in survival. i dont know how it could be emplemented but it would be for shure annoying.


    Glad to see some responses from my old posts. Yeah, you are probably right, all my writings in here are just brainstorming effort, I 100% agree that my numbers are not a proper one. I just throwed an wide example as a brainstorming attempt, not that I mean these numbers are correct.

    Yeah, and I agree some part of my ideas are too harsh and would be too annoying, I knew that even during I was writing this post months ago. I just wish to initiate some discussion and other ideas and other brainstorming. Again, this is my silly brainstorming effort, but if a part or some parts of these ideas would make this game much better, and if devs gave some attention, that will be my happiness for me. I don't mind if these ideas are incorrect because I knew these contents are way wild and too punishing.  

    Glad you see your responses. 

    2 hours ago, oplli said:

    Now I think that is a great idea however there are too much variables for the illness to happend and the treatment is too boring and long to achieve. what i would suggest is that in order to get the illness you have to be well fed for over than x days, and being most of the times in positive temperatures. the idea of looting for a long time dead body is also great. also the treatment should involve reading, mending and those  type of task instead of making you unable to read or do things.

     now I think that the problem with all the other illnesses you shown is that the way to get em is always decided by the health and i dont think it is the way to go.

    For the wolf fear. i have an idea: with the new darkwalker event two new afflictions are introduced: Anxiety and fear. now when a wolf or a bear is tracking you you have the anxiety affliction. if it last more than x time you get the fear affliction. if you experience fear more than x time in x days you will get  the wolf fear. wich will give you first auditive halluciantions and if it continues you get visual hallicinations. To heal this affliction you would need to craft and wear a wolfskin coat for x time. And if you have a bear fear, you will have to craft and wear a bearskin coat. I would like the visual hallucinations (if you already have em since a lot of time) to stay longer. like the imaginary wolf would have the time to jump on you and then he will disapear. then you would slowly get up like when the bear attacks you but without any wounds (physical wounds at least) if you get attacked by your hallucinations (of any type) more than x time in a save the hallucinations may never disappear whatever you do.

    Thanks for your input about depression, your idea looks better than me!

    And I'm also really happy and glad about new event contents and I'm enjoying this, and yeah, glad they are testing the concept of anxiety and fear. And yeah, your idea about wolffear and bear/moose fear sounds good with anxiety and fear afflictions. Hope they fine tune these contents and implement these in survival mode. As a one of the people who suggested mental affliction in this forum, I will be happy if they include anxiety and fear into survival mode. Plus more contents and more maps.  

  7. I think interloper is about item luck and about practicing. If you learn some "essence" or "key aspects" of survival for the opening of the interloper, then you should be good. For me, to become "good" at the interloper, and to explore/practice the HRV opening strategy, I made a lot of trial/test/practice sandbox. I think I died 30+ times when I first try loper from HRV opening. From so many trials and errors, I learned and eventually my three sandboxes survived well, they are all now reached 1 year. 

    But I agree, there is a difficulty gap between loper and stalker and you are not the first person who wrote in this forum. I also think there should be an intermediate difficulty between loper and stalker. "Custom mode" is supposed to scratch that 'intermediate' point. And I'm playing one custom game these days. However, I feel custom is not perfect or ready to meet such demands. One thing I really feel uncomfortable about custom is, too many items are controlled via only one option "Baseline Resource Availability". I wish HL introduce the availability custom options for each specific item types, instead of the controlling whole bunch of item groups under the single  "Baseline Resource Availability" option. 

    And here are my thoughts about your suggestions. 


    1) I also agree "sleep on the floor", as I also suggested "improved shelter" in other posts like this
    I think HL is using the bedroll as some sort of challenge factor, especially for the early phase, of higher difficulty. And with Cabin Fever, the bedroll will be essential throughout the game. 

    So, "sleeping on the floor" requires some penalty for the balance. Maybe, it would be great to introduce a good chance of "getting cold" or "muscle cramp" when you sleep on the floor. Or, give some slight penalty to temperature drop speed when you sleep on the floor, as your body will lose more heat without bedroll. Then, "natural tent" or "improvised shelter" would be more useful (If they are introduced as well).  

    Also, this requires some adjustment to the current system regarding the recovery rate during the rest. You may know, recover rates are different among beds in this game. As far as I know, Trapper's Homestead bed gives you the best recovery rate during the rest, and beds in containers have a good recovery rate in general. To introduce this option, the recovery rate should be adjusted, so that using a bedroll or proper shelter or indoor bed has obvious merit while sleeping on the floor would introduce penalty and players should take the risk. 

    However, all these suggestions are quite big contents, requires good amount of time for coding, testing, and balancing in this game. So, I'm afraid that these ideas would be hard to be seen in TLD in any foreseeable future even if they think it is good idea. HL is already busy with their current works and other projects... So I just wish they increase the custom options and official modding tool with large degree of freedom. But if they introduce these features, then that would be great. 


    2) Yeah, I really wish to see more leather craft options. I still sometimes feel awkward when I see the current bear coat design of TLD. More leather cloths with cool looking designs, especially more options for wolf hide, will always welcome for me. 

    I think HL is using the decay rate as a challenge modifier. The early phase of the interloper difficulty is basically a fight against time. Being efficient and being ready for "long term mode" before day 50 is the key to success in interloper, because the world temperature reaches the minimum at day 50. Here, the fast decay speed of the interloper pushes the players. But if you take out the decay option, the game becomes too trivial. There should be something else to keep the challenge, keep the pressure, pushing players, to keep the "fight against the time". 

    Of course, in real life physics, the current decay rate of interloper makes totally no sense. I still believe, in TLD, the world is under the invasion from some sort of weird mysterious alien micro-organism, which could eat out all clothes and sealed canned foods from inside. For realism, "low" decay would be more reasonable. Problem is, "low" decay option might make the game too easy.  

    I'm already trying some sort of "realistic custom", as I suggested in the other post: 

    Here, I gave low decay but increased difficulty with other options. But still, I feel low decay option might took out some "challenging" and "fight against the time" factor from my current custom game. Still, it is good to enjoy for me.  

    So, anyway, I agree that the current decay option is not making any sense at all, but I'm accepting this as a tool to game more challenging. Even with this decay setting, people survive long enough in interloper difficulty. I also wish, if there is some other factor to push and pressuring players instead of current decay option. But considering HL is already busy with other works, such new contents for new meta of TLD would be hard and big for them I guess... 



    2 hours ago, Admin said:

    Posts deleted.

    Let's just relax a bit. It's fine for everyone to share their view on the forums, that's the point. If you don't agree with someone else's view politely state why, but there's no need for insults.

    One thing that is important is that everyone feels that they have a space here to share their views. Going forward it might be more useful to see other people's posts or threads with suggestions as an opportunity to look at the game in a new way and put yourself in the shoes of another type of player. Rather than dismissing something because you like how it is, it might be useful to see how an interesting idea or addition could make the game better.

    So rather than ending a conversation with "Here's why that won't work" it get broadened and becomes more inclusive with a "That's a good idea but how about this as well?"

    Or "Interesting idea how would you deal with X?" 

    Look for opportunities to continue the conversation rather than shutting it down.



    I replied to this post which I think it is OK but that is also deleted. But why do you keep deleting my post without doing any action against that troll's post? 

  9. 9 hours ago, Stone said:

    It's an slightly unfortunate reality that the Hinterland are best developing content that all players will benefit from which cannot be said of really late game content. But in a survival game there is a real case for longer term objectives. Currently the achievements, and player created ones, are all we have. It's a lovely on-theme suggestion though! 

    Indeed. The achievements you mentioned are not enough IMO. Not all players feels the same towards this game, and not all players are agreeing with the definition of the sandbox. I don't know what HL and Raph feel and think about this issue, but even if they oppose from my idea, I don't think they are right and I'm wrong. And I don't think I'm right and they are wrong. 

    All I'm asking is an option. More option of enjoying this game from different perspective. New contents I and others suggested regarding treasure hunt and end game IN THE SURVIVLA MODE will definitely increase sales and playtime and replayability of TLD. Because the key of TLD is the survival mode. "The same old TLD" we know now is losing to all other survival genre games in steamdb and steam chart, and I don't think HL is a company who satisfies with such status. Based on deleted old "roadmap" of TLD, HL's imagination and vision is not that bad. Hope they make a new good late game contents so that all players can enjoy this game. 

  10. Bump of the old post.

    Forrest Fenn, who gave me an idea for this post, passed away. RIP...
    I still think contents like these will enrich TLD experience in many level. Survival mode is the key of the TLD, so if such contents are introduced in survival mode, then playtime of TLD will be increased. For example, if there is a condition like "player should survived 500 days" to initiate the puzzle/treasure/endgame contents, then contents like these will be a great motivation to keep playing and survive in sandbox mode. Contents like these should be optional, not railroaded, for all people who don't like this. Quest/puzzle should be well randomized and very difficult, so that they should be possible to fail, and should not allow anyone to clear just following YT and Twitch. 

  11. 20 hours ago, Stone said:

    I don't think coal is OP @sonics01. You could equally say sticks are OP. You've just learnt to exploit them.

    The fact is, the coal in this game has the highest temperature per weight and burn time per weight. It overwhelms other fuels. Plus, when I discuss about coal, I considered the situation of coal + stick or any other "easier" fuels around. Of course no one just use coal only, but mix with all others... This way, any players can min/max the ratio of coal and stick or other fuels based on the temperature and the purpose of fire. With some experiences, one can be extremely efficient about coal consumption, and does not need to rely on cedar/fir firewood at all, except some maps like BI. From that moment, the necessity of harvesting tree limbs are negligible, especially in the loper. Too cold and inefficient to harvest firewoods from the outside. 

    So, my idea of carriable tree limbs would resolve this issue and fix some balance issue between the coal and firewoods. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Sherri said:

    I'd settle for a path out of Bear Island and a 'you escape to the great unknown....' sort of ending. Anything other than death.

    Exactly. Open-ending is enough. No one knows what will going to happen after and the game don't need to show everything. This is just one another way to finish a sandbox mode, instead of suicide or uninstall. Are there any "aftermath" contents after suicide in sandbox? No. Just one line screen and that is all. "Escape" ending can show a similar thing. Just one screenshot and several lines of description, and the end of sandbox. 

    I also suggested boat and hidden tunnels, after mysterious radio contact during the aurora. 

    • Like 1
  13. I also pointed in the post of @PatriotIf this idea comes up, then malnutrition and muscle lost must follow. There's no way a person burning this much of calorie with that amount of muscle carrying 20~40kg continuously on the snow surface survives only with 750cal per a day.

    To keep such physique, one should consume minimum 3000~4000kcal per a day. My malnutrition post has a reference in there. Then, Well Fed should be requirement, not the optional thing. 

  14. I don't think HL will have enough time and manpower and resource to implement this idea, so this idea is just for thought experiment and modding possibility. 

    I think woodcraft skill should be introduced as well, but for this post, I only write about leather craft skill. Maybe I or others could write about woodcraft skill later... 

    In reality, leather crafting requires a lot of time and practice to being good at it, and to craft a "quality product". But in this game, characters craft many things from leather from the day 1 of wilderness. They don't even read a book for leather crafting. 

    We could introduce the new skill of "leathercraft", up to level 7, with such features. 

      A. Crafted leather cloths which were crafted in lower level should have slightly lower wind and temperature protection than products crafted at a higher level. Just like ammunition crafting.  

      B. Crafted leather cloths which were crafted in lower level should have faster decay modifier than that of higher level. At the max level, the decay rate of the leather-crafted item should be "medium" even from interloper difficulty. 

      C. Crafted leather/bladder liquid container, which I suggested in 

     this post should have a different leaking rate based on the leathercraft level. Higher leaking rate at the lower level, and 0 leaking rates at level 7. 

      D. The quality and decay rate of the bow should be influenced by leathercraft level (as well as woodcraft level) 

      E. If more number of leather-crafted cloths are implemented (by HL or by modding), then it would be great to introduce a leather skill level requirement for specific leather crafted cloths. Leave current "basic" leather cloths as level 0 cloths. Then, it would be possible to introduce level 3, 5, 7 cloths with a new design in new parts. Wolf-earwarp, deer coat, wolf "shirt" ... there have been so many ideas, and there was a mod for the old version, before the "IL2CPP incident". Too bad that mod is not coming back now...     

      F. At level 7, max-tier leather-crafted cloths should be available, with very nice and very fancy design (with a very slight bonus in temperature as well). I really hate the current bear coat design. I mean, what kind of designer could think of the bear-head-in-your-crotch with a bear coat? This is just horrible. Even I could think of much fancier design... Plus, deer/moose hat with antlers, bear hat, new fancier wolf coat, bear boots... The reward of max leathercraft skill should be convincing and satisfying enough. 

      G. Level 7 should take long enough time to max. This will give one more motivation to play TLD longer and increase playtime for 'bored players' like me. 

      H. When repairing leather cloths, repair speed and repair success rate should be influenced by sewing skill + leathercraft skill. Repair should also increase the leathercraft skill level. 

      I. Leathercraft book should be also implemented with this idea. 



  15. The water container idea has been discussed in this forum in the past. I think water container can be a factor to increase the difficulty, which I would like to enjoy.

    However, this will bring major change to water-mechanics and would influence on thirsty balance and fire/match/fuel balance of this game, which will take some amount of work not only for water but also for other features in this game. Because players will not be able to hoard a lot of water, they should make a fire more frequently to make water. This will be critical in interloper as the match will run out faster than current system. Too many things are needed to keep a balance of the game to introduce this idea. So, I don't think HL will introduce this feature. They are already busy with other works, IMO they believe that the water and thirsty balance are good enough, and even if they are interested, ideas like this will be in low priority, which means indie studios like HL would hardly seriously consider this idea. 



    However, from the pure thought experiment point of view for the modding possibility, this is an interesting idea and will make this game more challenging. For Stalker and below, we could introduce man-made liquid containers such as military-style canteen or plastic bottle, for rare chance, as a lootable item from the map. For Interloper, we could force players to craft their own improvised canteen or other types of the improvised water containers, big to store and small to carry, using some materials.

    Humans, before the era of modern technology, relied on animal leather and animal bladder (cured/dried to use) for the water container. Wineskin, Bota bag... Native American Indians also used similar types of liquid containers based on goat or buffalo bladder. Google "animal bladder leather water container". I think these types of water containers can be introduced in TLD by modding.

    Something like this.  

    This requires introducing some new resources which can be found from wild animals and nature. Animal bladder (should be cleaned, and then  cured/dried to craft), and craftable light rope (crafted from dried grass). With bear hide or moose hide or a lot of wolf hide with sewing kit/fishing hook and crafted light rope, we could make a "big" water container. With the cured/dried bear/moose/deer/wolf bladder and craftable light rope and sewing kit/fishing hook, we could craft a various size of "small" water containers, with different water amounts and weight. Moose or bear should have bigger bladder, and wolf should have smallest bladder... "Big" containers should be heavy with larger capacity, and "smaller" containers should have carriable weight with smaller capacity. 

    I guess the weight of leather/bladder-container should be heavier than man-made ones to carry the same amount of water. That part will increase the difficulty as well.  

    With this idea, primitive fire making (hand-drill and bow-drill) should be accompanied as well, because players should make a fire to make water more frequently. Plus, on top of water purification tablet, other natural purification methods (which does not require to make a fire) like

    these should be introduced as well so that players can access to water without making a fire and boil the water. From that link, I think water filtration using soil and sedimentation system could be possible to be introduced in TLD, in more simplified form. 

    If I make "hardcore mod" or if someone makes such "hardcore mod", I wish to see these features. 

  16. 23 hours ago, Patriot said:

    You are correct. One can do that, and I normally do. However, from a RP perspective that's a problem. If the ambient temprature is freezing then the water ought to freeze. Not to mention where are these water bottles coming from? That too is a mystery.

    It should be OK to assume that characters in this game are using these techniques. Upside-down the bottle, keep water inside the snow in the night, wide-mouth container, and keep water container close from the body, day and night, to prevent freezing even during hiking. It would not need to depict all these tricks to prevent freezing in this game, we can just assume this. 

  17. 2 hours ago, odizzido said:

    I just think it's a shame whenever there is part of the game I don't interact with because it's not beneficial for me to do so. The time and effort required to map isn't worth it for me, chopping tree limbs isn't of any benefit to me either.

    The problem with tree limbs, I feel, is that since they don't respawn they cannot be required. If they're not required then you never have to use them at all. Which I don't and likely never will. If we could drag them inside buildings I MIGHT chop them up sometimes.....maybe. I would have to see.

    Indeed, from my 3 interloper characters, I hardly harvested firewoods from any place except BI.  Even in BI I preferred reclaimed woods via hammer over firewoods because reclaimed woods can be harvested from the inside.

    1hr to chop a tree using hatchet from outside, after 50th day of interloper, is enough long time to drain warmth meter and takes out some portion of health. Only safe time frame is 1~2 hr before sunset, late afternoon, with 2 bear coats and full interloper 1 tier cloths. Drinking a hot tea requires a fire and consumption of the resources. Birch bark is infinite but I don't use birch bark just to get warmth bonus to chop a tree, because birch bark respawn is not fast, and I need to save them for the moment when I need to heal. Making a 1hr duration fire to chop a tree for 1hr is also not efficient. 

    So naturally, firewood is bye bye from me, as well as improvised hatchet... On the other hand, coal is really easy to achieve. I mostly live in Ravine cave, and it takes one day to hoard coals from Cinder Mine. You can get some coals from cave from Winding river to PV as well, which is also close from Carter Dam and Ravine. And you don't need to consume coals that much in interloper. 1~2 Coal + a lot of branches (and reclaimed woods) will work.     

    The idea of carrying a tree limb is a buff to the firewoods. I was thinking that this idea would lessen the burden of chopping tree outside and let people increase the consumption of firewoods over coal. At least comparable level. But there can be different ways to buff. Like increase temperature or duration of firewoods. However, carrying idea would be better because this will eliminate the one important burden of chopping tree outside: coldness damage. 

    Another way is nerfing the coals. Personally I like the idea of nerfing coal because it is too good now, for both fire time per weight and temperature per weight. But this will make the early phase of interloper (or loper-custom) too challenging before people craft hatchet to harvest firewoods, or before acquire the hammer to harvest reclaimed woods. So I'm not sure if devs will decide to nerf the coal. But at least I will like that. 


    • Upvote 1
  18. 17 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

    I've tried them all, even deliberately running into a wolf just to test something. This is my analysis

    Hammer: Fastest end to the struggle, but no bleedout
    Hatchet: Fast end to the struggle, does moderate damage, bleeds out in time.
    Knife: Moderate end to the struggle, with the potential to do extreme damage and instantly kill.  If not, bleeds out over time.
    Prybar: Moderate end to the struggle, but no bleedout.
    Fists: Good friggen luck.

    Revolver: The wildcard, as it depends on your skill.  This can be anywhere from marginally more useful than fists at level 1, to a faster end than even the hammer at level 5 (edit: Assuming you button mash until the "take shot" pops up, and then take the shot).

    Isn't the data from that post still valid? As far as I can tell, this test still works from my interloper short tests and experiences. I guess your tests should be the similar with those results. In terms of saving the player's health bar, Hatchet -> Hammer -> Knife -> Improvised Hatchet -> Prybar -> Improvised Knife. In loper, the hammer brings the best outcome from the wolf struggle. But both hammer and an improvised hatchet are too heavy, and their uses are so local and limited so I don't bring them... 

  19. 12 hours ago, Dr. S. said:

    For people who don’t carry the improvised hatchet on interloper, what do you carry for use in a wolf struggle?

    Don't make a situation of wolf struggle. From the moment you have arrow and bow, wolf is not a threat. 

    The only threat is the very-close-range encounter by ambushing wolves, which makes 5m encounter or something like that. Behind the hill/ridge line, alley of Milton town and around the CH Quonset...  But there is a way to prevent this. Near the danger zone, I concentrate to the footstep. Usually, I get the clue from the sound, and escape from being ambushed. Plus, in suspicious area, I throw rocks to lure them out to the open. Sometimes, depending on situation, I increase my smell by killing a rabbit and let wolves lured by my smell, and drag them out to the open. Also, take the high ground and observe first, or circumventing the ambush zone can be a way too. 

    • Upvote 1
  20. Right now, in interloper, the efficiency of coal as a fuel is too good. On the other hand, harvesting cedar/fir firewood can be dangerous, they are less efficient than coals, and they are heavy when you wear two bear coats. In addition, the improvised hatchet is not that light. It weighs 1.75kg, not that much different from 2kg hammer. The only 'safe' time window for the harvesting cedar/fir woods in interloper using the improvised hatchet is 1~2 hr around the late afternoon, a little wider if you harvest these in CH or ML or other 'warmer' regions. 

    As a result, almost all interloper and loper-grade custom players only prefer the combination of coal + branch. They are just too good. Better temperature, safer, and lighter. No motivation to rely on firewoods, except regions like BI where there is no coal supply in the vicinity. 

    Honestly, I think carrying a cedar/fir limb would be OK. Of course, with a reasonable penalty in movement speed and faster fatigue/hunger rate. Plus, introduce an additional penalty modifier to the weight of cedar and fir limb of they are carried in a backpack, assuming their size (2~3m length) prohibits the better movement and behavior of characters, which results in further speed declination and faster fatigue/hunger speed. Plus, of course, normal respawning tree limbs (which provides 3 firewoods) should be allowed to carry. Bigger trees (4+ firewoods) shouldn't be allowed to carry.  

    In another way, we could introduce carrying rope. This game already assumes that the character can make rope from guts. In addition to guts, in real wilderness, it is possible to make rope from nature like: 

    Introduce a crafted lighter rope, which can be crafted from guts and branches/bushes/dried grass with long crafting time. Then, using crafted rope, let players drag deer/wolf carcass and tree limbs with fatigue and speed penalty. Carrying carcass should bring stacking up of the smell as well.

    It would be good to introduce this option only in the interloper and include them as a custom option as well. That would be better for the balance.  

    This way, harvesting tree limbs would be safer than before. This will lessen the burden for the harvesting of tree limbs in loper, and people will carry improved hatchet more.

    Right now, people hardly use the improvised hatchet and hardly carry them. For me, I made 5 improvised hatchets, distributed among different maps, repair them all at once in BI. A similar concept with people only uses hammers for the furnace and ice breaking. I only use hatchets when I desperately need to harvest firewood, which hardly occurs without BI. Even in BI, it would be safer to use hammer to harvest reclaimed woods.  

    These suggestions would help to lead people to harvest and use firewoods more in interloper, and to carry improvised hatchet more in interloper. 

    I also thought about increasing the temperature of firewoods, just a little bit than current, like 12°C for cedar, and 15°C for fir, only in interloper. Right now, coal is just too good in terms of efficiency. But I'm also careful about this idea. Maybe, it would be better to nerf coal than buff firewoods, but devs should have their own design principle regarding fuel balance, so they may able to decide better if they really want to adjust the balance between coal and firewoods.  

  21. @Niev Very nice writing pal. New resources, new animals, new wildlife, new crafting items, more content, and stories... If we make a poll, I'm sure the majority will vote to see those new content in TLD, and I'm sure devs know this pressure for new content for many reasons.  

    Any game developers (I'm not working in the game industry, but I do know that the competition pace in the game industry is very fast.) clearly understand the meaning of the quote "Iron rusts without use, stagnant water rots" and I assume HL would feel the same towards TLD. Right now, the "same old TLD" is losing to all other survival genre competitors in the steam player ranking. Without innovation, and without new content, TLD will become a "game of oldbies" who always sings in the forum "this game is not for everyone", and then will lose new customers and new players to competitors and will be forgotten. 

    I'm pretty sure that devs, including Raph himself, have (or had) a ton of brilliant ideas for new content to flourish TLD. HL "had" a roadmap, which is deleted long ago but you can still google it. If you read the roadmap, you will find that a good portion of "roadmap" content is already implemented in TLD. Check this post

    to compare the deleted roadmap and current TLD. 

    In addition, you will be able to see that the most of ideas in the "roadmap" coincide with the suggestions from the wishlist forum and Reddit. Such as improved cooking, primitive fire making, grizzly bear and cougar, snowshoes or nordic skis, wellbeing system (i.e. mental/emotional cost of survival), spring and another season sandbox... Surprising enough, HL even had some radical ideas, such as canoe/horse, and NPC in the sandbox. In the link above, it mentions 


    Has been talked several times on Raphael's twitter and there was a hint to raidings by raids. Most likely a gameplay option prior starting a new save file.

    Can you imagine "raid" in TLD? I'm not sure if I really like that idea of raid in TLD. But, I'm glad that HL devs and Raph are trying to create the new content in TLD, and I'm happy to see them putting some efforts to being more creative to improve this game. 

    While I know several ideas from the "roadmap" are officially denied, I think they are still working loosely based on the roadmap. No one expected revolver and gunsmithing when such features were implemented in this game, and both of them were in the old roadmap. Now, that "roadmap" is deleted long ago, so I think and I assume that HL has a better version of the roadmap with even better content for internal use only. 

    Based on this, I believe the degree of imagination and ideas from devs themselves are (or were) really great. But why they are not in TLD yet? As far as I know, looking back in the mod debate post of so-called "IL2CPP incident", the Unity engine and Unity related issue of performance optimization is (or was) prohibiting any new bright ideas to this game. I'm also curious if this issue is cleared or not, and if not, why it takes so long time to clear this optimization issue. It would be a lie if I'm not disappointed with HL. But at the same time, I don't have any intention to undermine HL's effort to make this game better, I think (and I wish) HL had a good reason to take a long time to resolve these issues and I wish the best for HL devs. I really appreciate HL never gave up on this great work. 



    Anyway, they are working on an official modding tool as far as I know, so I wish they do this as soon as possible with a wide degree of freedom. I think it is a bit too late to introduce the official modding tool now but better late than sorry. I'm also trying to learn C# myself. I think modding has the potential to increase the perspective of this game. There are so many great mods that hit more than the original. XCOM long war, Stalker Misery/Anomalie, so many mods in Fallout and Elderscroll franchise... Modding with such depth and width will surely make TLD flourish. 

    At the same time, I'm 100% sure TLD players who want the new content surely understand "the sentiment of old TLD" and I, you, and the majority of TLD players do want to keep that "feeling" and "originality" of TLD. And I, you, the majority of TLD players believe and wish that such new content will not and should not harm the "sentiment or originality or whatever we call of TLD".

    That is why I think modding can be a great answer, as all the brilliant-but-radical ideas can be tried as purely optional content. I'm not a fan of the zombie apocalypse in TLD, but if there is a zombie mod in TLD, I wish to try it. Any Cryptid mod, Bigfoot mod, or horror mod as well. I'm 99.9999% sure, and I bet my 25c in my pocket, that such mods will positively influence on TLD sales, player ranking, and increase the number of YT/Twitch viewers.  

    If HL provides them as an option without modding, that will be great too. But I'm sure their hands are tied with so many things now, so I wish they throw us a good, detailed modding tool with wide degree of freedom.  

    These are win win scenario for everyone. All additional new contents are optional, so "traditionalists" or "oldbies who sings this game is not for everyone" satisfies. And all "innovators" or "noobs who wish to see new contents" satisfies. I really can't understand the minds of prohibiting even optional contents. Such minds are surely killing the future of this game IMO. Seeing the roadmap, even devs have (and had) a brilliant ideas for new contents. 



    Regarding the internet identity of problem in this post, just ignore him. Not worth your time. I learned that by my own experience. 

  22. Bear trap is, I think, a good idea. This will make this game to a bit more easier direction and would hurt the balance, so I'm not sure if such idea is welcomed by HL and Raph. I know you already also mentioned your idea from the balance perspective, like rare and non-craftable, but I think that would not enough... I mean, if you are well experienced TLD player, bears in TLD are not that terribly difficult wild life to hunt down. There's not much motivation to rely on bear trap... 

    I think, if TLD introduces more formidable and dangerous predators, like polar bear, Grizzly bear, and big cat.... that would give some justifying reason behind the idea of bear trap. But even than, mechanism and resource for bear trap should be carefully designed, not to make this game too easy. 

    Maybe, it would be good to assume that crafted bear trap is too weak and coarse when compared to factory-made products, so that it cannot properly trap/kill the "big animals". Instead, it could be possible to assume that the hand-made bear trap only hurt but annoy these "big" animals. Then it could balance something... 

  23. 21 hours ago, gotmilkanot said:

    I'm in for a more varied cooking system. Doesn't have to be super tedious with lots of ingredients. Some simpler stuff like meat stew, reishi mushroom soup or even dried meat (which could be great travelling food in late game) will do.

    Lots of suggestions has been made about crafted meat jerky. Some even suggested that players should not allowed to eat 0% food regardless of cooking skill, and introduce meat jerky as an alternative. I really cannot agree more with that idea. I can also think of some simple but proper "dishes". In wilderness, it does not need all ingredients to make "soup" or "stew". But I was thinking of salt as a very rare, but new resource, which can be used in cooking and somewhere else in the game. Salt idea is also suggested in this forum...