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Posts posted by Sherri

  1. On 10/31/2020 at 11:42 AM, Gun Tech. said:


    • If it's your first run, your position might not be marked on the map. Consider starting a short test run and make your second run the proper one, so you can see your position.

    Is the map revealed or the compass visible in this game mode? In my first attempt I was too busy running & didn't even look at the map tab.

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  2. Super scary and more fun than I expected! Made it an hour and half my first try. Very intense. Loved the atmosphere and the endless night.

    Struggled to find the Hushed River Valley green fire, got totally lost and trapped myself in this region. Whoops!

    I don't normally play TLD for this level of intensity and danger, but fun for Halloween none the less. Great job Hinterland!


    • I ran like a damn fool most of the time. Probably shouldn't have done that.
    • Carried way too much food around. The inability to stay in one zone means you'll keep finding more food.
    • Lugging the rifle might have been a mistake. There are wolves, but very few.
    • The dialog and scary music and sounds were perfect.
    • Map knowledge was probably the main thing needed to do well in this event. I thought I know the maps... apparently not well enough.
    • Endless night and dark interiors adds to the tension and scariness.
    • I wish I could have seen it a bit and shot it.

    Happy Halloween tomorrow folks! :D


  3. Guys, you're having some kind of load issue here on the forums. And SQL user info is being revealed in your error pages.


    We're sorry, but a temporary technical error has occurred which means we cannot display this site right now.

    Access denied for user 'g266965'@'' (using password: YES)

    You can try again by clicking the button below, or try again later.

    Been getting this here on the forums for the last week or so.

  4. 19 hours ago, Mroz4k said:


    It was pointed out that guts are neccesary to fish.

    Considering I fished for over a week and went from level 3-5 fishing without breaking a single line.... I'd say the cost in guts is minimal.

    Not only do fish not cost ammo to kill... they also don't need to be 'harvested' like an animal carcass does. So you save your knife or axe.

    You just don't get the calorie volume for the time spent. But in the end game when there's less to do, it makes for a good food source.

  5. Funny that you post about grinding fishing this week. I did so this week as well (finished last night) in Mystery Lake in pursuit of the "Get all skills to lvl 5" achievement.

    I only caught 2 kinds of fish here. Eventually I was drowning in so much fish that I started letting them go upon catch. 

    Fun fact: even if you don't keep the caught fish, you still get the XP for it.

    Fishing as a food source is time consuming - but tool efficient. In long term runs, use those no longer useful prybars to break the ice. From level 3-5 I didn't break a single line/hook. So a lot of food for very little wear on tools. If you have lots of time but limited tools/ammo, fishing is good.

    • Upvote 4
  6. Working on a map based on AxeMan's original, which will be useful for travel planning. Shows:

    • Which regions connect to which others.
    • Which will require a inventory-limiting rope climb.

    I'm currently going through the maps slowly to identify which connections require a rope climb to get from the main part of one region to another. This will help plan what you can carry for long inventory moving operations.

    If anyone can easily identify which rope climbs I'm missing, please post here. I'm in the middle of working on this. :) Thanks!



    • Upvote 1
  7. I figured this is the best place to ask for additional game recs that will scratch that same itch as TLD. Lets see what y'all got for me....

    - I love vast exploration. That discovery of something new around the next corner.

    - I enjoy crafting within reason & improving my character.

    - I need a decent story & prefer set goals/quests - I'm at my happiest in TLD when playing Wintermute for this reason, I feel a bit aimless in Survival sandboxes.

    - I enjoy building things a-la Minecraft, or just setting up a cool base from which to set out.

    - I prefer the minimal combat of TLD, but don't mind getting my hands dirty (I'm a sniper/ranged player at heart).

    - My fav games of all time were the HalfLife games so I don't mind when my exploration is on rails. But at this stage in my life I'm not sure I'd enjoy the volume of combat that HalfLife had.

    - I can't play games that constrain your ability to save, or have real-world time passage; I have 3 kids & no time for that nonsense.

    - I have a Switch & a decent gaming PC.

    I've looked at No Man's Sky but reviews have told me that the exploration starts out seeming vast & limitless but quickly comes down to a few repeated biomes & the novelty wears off fast.

    I would happily play endless episodes of Wintermute if the plot & new regions kept on coming. But with around 250 hours in the game, I'm getting a bit tapped out on Survival mode.

    Any suggestions gratefully welcome! 😊

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    This is awesome news. The event sounds terrifying!

    (Please caption the important sound effects for hearing impaired players.)

    So great to see steady new content coming out. ❤️


    New region!!!

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  9. 🤦‍♀️I just realized I could have got my supplies past the obstacle course in WAY fewer trips.

    - Bring everything while encumbered to the foot of the rope in the warehouse.

    - Drop everything above limit.

    - Climb rope.

    - Drop most inventory on platform above rope.

    - Climb down rope.

    - Pick up remaining items.

    - Climb rope. Pick up everything at the top. You are now over encumbered.

    - Make way across obstacle course to ammo crafting.


    Gaaah I can't believe I did the obstacle course with each inventory-limit size load. I could have just repeated the very short rope climb part. Doh!

    Grrr I could have done this with all those sweet sweet timberwolf steaks too. Omg I'm kicking myself. 🤣

    That scrap lead... so heavy. 😂

    • Like 1
  10. (Mild Spoilers)

    First time in Bleak Inlet, I'm overburdened like a pack mule with all the ammo crafting supplies from all the other maps. 🐫

    Aaaarg a rope climb to get down. Takes me 3 up-and-down trips. 

    I inch my way to the cannery, shooting dead at least 6 timberwolves. At one point they file out of the cannery fence in an orderly line & I pick off at least 3.

    What a bizarre layout to this place.

    Another frickin rope!!! Grrrr. I drop all my tools & first aid: still 3 trips up the rope to bring up all my lead.


    Look. That platforming segment is cute & all... feels good to beat it once & luck into an aurora... but crafting ammo is taking so long I have to keep exiting to carve up some timberwolves for food. Having to do that course over & over is a punishment that belongs in a different game. 😰

    Oh & I left my cans at the cabins. Which are guarded by a bear. 🤦‍♀️

    I've now had to parkour that nonsense SIX FREAKING TIMES! In one visit! Hinterland, just let me drop a board or something, have mercy. 🤣

    Ammo crafting is SUPER awesome. Takes time but feels valuable. The sound effects are great- that little grit sound of the gunpowder... *chef's kiss*

    Seeing my ammo collection slowly balloon back up is so great. 

    I need more lead. MOAR!! 🔫

    Love this.

    The timberwolves don't love my gunslinging. 😎

    Looking forward to finishing the crafting & exploring more!!


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