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Everything posted by Lupesco

  1. A little background first, my apologies. I've been playing LD from right when EP 2 came out. I love the game, so much so I bought it for PC and XBOX. I usually play interloper and I was having my best run yet. I was at day 100 , my previous longest run was 64 days. So I'm in BR and I want to leave and start making all the zones but I see my bearskin beadroll is at 26%. Damn I need the bear by the river dead. So I run down and kill and quarter him. I run the hide to the lodge and wait...and wait...and wait. While I'm waiting I finish mapping BR but then the next 5 days I start going stir crazy, I had killed everything in the zone and there was nothing left for days. So I thought that there should be a faster way to cure hides. I thought hey why not put salt in the game so you can cure hides faster. Then I thought of salting meat to preserve it and 'fix' cooking 5. Here is how I thought it could work. Salt would be lootable and you could get it from nature. I was thinking that since FM never really freezes it must have brackish water. So on a ice section you could get some water with a can or pot and cook off the water. It would be a semi rare loot item, like whetstones. For curing hides. Salt would cut in half the curing time of hides. You would use 0.5kg on rabbit hides, 1.0kg on deer and wolf hides, and 2.5kg on bear and moose. This is completely optional to do the hides cure regularly indoors without salt but this just makes it quicker. Now onto cooking. IMHO cooking 5 is insane. I like the fact that I can no longer get intestinal parasites. No really I love that, F$&# IP. But the more food poisoning, that's a bit much. When I first got cooking 5 I thought wow this is awesome I can eat anything. After the 100th ruined cooked bear steak it got ridiculous. Ruined meat is ruined, no fixing that. But if you salted it you could preserve it forever if you also keep it outside. Also you could make jerky out of small bits of meat, like 0.5kg. This way you could carry some meat with you and not have scent. I was just a thought from a fan. Keep up the good work and please stay healthy. Lupesco