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Everything posted by Glflegolas

  1. Watching the sun set over the Forlorn Muskeg. The colours in the sky in this game are simply amazing.
  2. Hello everyone, I've been playing The Long Dark for close to a year now, but haven't got myself an account here until fairly recently. Some of what you might like to know about me is listed on my profile page, but, I'll also list a few additional details here. I live in Nova Scotia, Canada, and have visited every single region in The Long Dark -- though not quite every location. My favourite part of the game is to walk around in Voyageur difficulty, taking screenshots of the landscape whenever I find something particularly interesting. Why am I called "Glflegolas"? It's not my real life name, but it's been my gaming/online name since 2010, which is when I signed up for an account for an MMORTS called War of Legends. At that time (as now), I was kinda into Lord of the Rings, and I particularly admired Legolas' amazing bowmanship skills (far better than mine, whether in real life or in games). I tried "Legolas" "LegolasGreenleaf" and "LegolasGlf" but all of those weren't available. Finally I went with Glflegolas since that was available, and... it's been my online/gaming username ever since (I guess I'm not creative enough to come up with other usernames). I also go by the moniker "NSEasternShoreChemist" on Wikipedia and WikiHow. In case you're wondering: I'm a man, and my preferred nickname online is "Glf".