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Everything posted by Alexg

  1. The snow sled idea I like as atm If you kill an animal far from you base and in the open can be difficult to either harvest or quarter all the material then get back home usally at slow speed and smelling of a butcher so maybe the ability to load a carcass on to a sled and take it home for harvesting
  2. Alexg


    Don’t really expect this to be added ever and it would have to be very specific to add to the game as not to make it to much but what about a double barrel or Remington type to be used in defence say you accidentally stumble upon a bear cause it does happen or a pack of timber wolves the shotgun would fire a a shell killing a timber wolf or injuring others and it could be a one shot for the bear in exchange once an animal shot the hide, guts, and say 75% of the meat becomes unusable as it’s not a hunting weapon wolves only have a maximum meat give of 6kg/13lbs and bears 30kg/66lbs(information from the fandom) Ammunition spawn could be half as frequent as the rifle ammo or less and the reload time a bit longer don’t expect this to be added just a thought and maybe thought others would be able to add to it i just think wielding a double barrel at a Charging bear on forlorn muskeg would be cool
  3. Berries, Edible mushrooms and roots which can be eaten and a renewable food source