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Posts posted by ajb1978

  1. I like the idea of removing the player position from Hardened mode.  But for Green and Capable survivor...leave it be.

    Edit: Actually come to think of it, I think most people playing Hardened Survivor already know the maps like the back of their hand, so that kind of renders the whole point moot...  Meh.

  2. It sounds to me like this moose, and your arrows, are a lost cause.  Pick your battles wisely.  Hit up the unnamed pond or mystery lake for some cat tails to eat, so that you can at least avoid and be able to regain condition again.  Or Forlorn Muskeg isn't far off, plenty of cattails there too.

    Not trying to tell you what to do, but if it were me, I would gather 5 cattails minimum and not eat them right away. Instead, wait until I am exhausted, find an indoor bed somewhere, then eat 5 cattails, drink until my hydration is full, and sleep the full 12 hours.  You'll wake up with 100% condition, unless you were already at death's door, then you might be in the 90's somewhere.

    Edit: Just saw this thread update a second after hitting enter. You got lucky with that final shot, congratulations!

  3. Couple questions this time.  First, in the last mailbag you had mentioned that Interlopers were a small but vocal crowd, and I was wondering if you know what the actual distribution is.  Like what percentage predominantly play Interloper, Stalker, Voyageur, Pilgrim, Custom, etc.

    And the second question has to do with some of the photographs you can find on the walls of houses, like the one of people playing hockey for example.  That looks very much like it may have been a real actual photo, scanned and passed through a filter to give it the watercolor look.  Is that actually a photo of some real folks that made it into the game as background art?

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  4. 21 minutes ago, TheEldritchGod said:

    For the record, since this is still being discussed, I could forgo the mods if HLG just added "BRUTAL" difficulty. You know, crank everything up to 11. All the mods that made the game so much harsher. I mean, if the mod guys can do it, should be easy to add to the core game. Make them options on the custom menu, then add Brutal Difficulty and I'll be a happy (if frozen) camper.

    Maybe Deadman. Would love official Deadman settings.


    Just play it in Blind Guy mode.

    Turn off the monitor.  See how long you last.

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  5. 39 minutes ago, peteloud said:

    Doc Feral,

    ". . . no bedroll or first aid at the bottom of the Broken Railroad ravine . .. "

    It is still possible to sleep down there and have the sprain recover.

    Having auto-saves after sleeping will almost certainly ensure that you are not in an irrecoverable situation.

    Not the Broken Railroad ravine.  There's no place to sleep down there without a bedroll.  I believe you're thinking of the Raven Falls Ravine, which has that cave and the bed of pine needles in it.


    7 hours ago, Doc Feral said:

    Something strange happened, and since it happened twice I'm starting to think it may be not strange anymore.
    A while ago I commented somewhere about suffering a bleeding wound from a fight with a wolf, and that to my surprise it didn't trigger the autosave. Yesterday it happened again. I didn't notice, and I decided to quit and resume after a while, finding myself back in a bunker and thus losing some exploration time. I remember that serious afflictions (hypothermia, frostbite, sprains, poisoning, parasites...) triggered the autosave, and the same happened with bloodloss. I'm starting to be more careful so I don't go around hacking at wolves like I used to do, so after two such events I ask: have you noticed any difference in post-fight saves? Does a bleeding wound with no sprained joints cause the autosave or not?

    Are you playing Survivor mode?  Because in Story mode, I have noticed the game does not auto-save after suffering an affliction.  But if you're playing Survivor mode then your guess is as good as mine.

  6. Indeed, I can see both sides of the subscription issue.  If you go back to like 1988, you bought a game, you got it as-is in its current condition, forever.  Which of course has led to some of the most famous glitches and exploits of all time, like the minus world in Super Mario Bros, or the pause/unpause trick in Mega Man.   Fast forward to today, when these bugs and exploits are often patched out of the game.  But even beyond that, the game can now continue to evolve beyond the initial release.  So yeah, on the one hand, nobody wants to keep paying for a game they already bought.  But on the other hand, how much free new content can a player reasonably expect to receive?

    Well I guess for what it's worth, I'd be on board with paid DLC if it comes to it.  And even a subscription is not out of the question, provided new content and special events happened more frequently in exchange.  We currently get a major update about every six months, which is awesome because they're free.  But I don't see anyone paying a regular subscription fee for that.  Something like an Event of the Month club might go over pretty well, where a paid subscription allows you access to an alternate game mode that changes each month (like 4DoN).  Kind of delving into Wish List territory here...

    • Like 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, Bronco said:

    Another great tidbit! In one of my playthroughs, I'm exploring the crates in Timberwolf Mountain and I had a hacksaw that was 23%. I figured I was good enough to inspect the 4 containers at the wing. Well, the hacksaw broke after opening only the first container. So I assume it was 18% at that point. 

    Oooh yeah and actually when using a hacksaw or prybar to open locked containers, if the tool is ruined during an attempt to force your way in, there is a chance that the container itself can also be ruined, and you can never again attempt to open it.  I would never risk that, unless it's literally life or death.

  8. 1 minute ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

    I'm sure this conversion happens (obviously it does, because it happened to you). But I wouldn't want to base my business on it. ;)  

    I'm reminded of the old shareware model of the mid to late 90's, which was essentially this very thing.  Doom for instance--the first episode and first 5 weapons were free to distribute, but the remaining episodes (and weapons) were only available to paying customers.  The more things change, the more they stay the same!

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  9. On 5/8/2019 at 7:01 PM, kristaok said:

    Oh no... you think he ended it? that's so sad. :/ I will cry if I see this. :( 

    You are very observant I don't know if I would have put those together and realized it could mean that. 

    I have saw some weird things though, I one time saw a dead guy that died trying to rob the bank. I also saw a dead hunter before with a bow beside him, and I saw a dead guy hanging out of the rolled up hay or whatever it was before. 

    There's some potty humor here and there, which cracks me up because I'm basically an infant.  Like the "ruined" underwear in the bath tub, with matches and accelerant nearby.  The prybars hidden behind the toilet.  Because I mean come on, if you eat nothing but bear and moose meat for a month straight, you're gonna need a prybar.

  10. On 5/9/2019 at 10:37 AM, Bronco said:

    Wow, I keep learning new things in this game thanks to this community.

    Same.  I like to think I've been around the block a bit, but I'm still surprised by the occasional little nugget of info.

    I've been playing this game since 2015 and I didn't know until a year ago, but having a tool kit in your inventory allows you to reduce the time it takes to craft an arrow.  For years I'd been just planning my day around it taking 1.5 hours to make each arrow.

    There's always one more thing to learn, one more thing to discover, one more fact you didn't realize...and that's part of the charm.

    Edit: Oh and just to clarify a point, the reason I said use fishing tackle until it hits 20% is that's the breakage threshold.  Every object has one, and it's usually in the 20-30% range, but once you're within the breakage threshold there's a chance that the item will be destroyed even before it hits 0%.  For fishing tackle, it's 20%.

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  11. 4 hours ago, Bronco said:

     The only real expense would be a condition hit on the sewing kit and believe me, I got a lot of those :) 

    Use fishing tackle until it hits 20%.  A 20% fishing tackle is just as good at ice fishing as 100%, but you get several repair attempts out of it first.

    • Upvote 2
  12. Just now, Carbon said:

     players might not be so happy with the new system (why would that be?) and the system is indeed undergoing scrutiny internally (why again, if it is the same?).

    Because recovery is more complex and requires additional (mostly) nonrenewable resources for a fast recovery.  Formerly to fully recover from a sprain you pop a dose of painkillers or drink rose hip tea, you're good.  Now you have to do that, in addition to use a bandage.  And while you still have the option of resting 2 or 4 hours to heal wrist or ankle sprains (respectively), the actual injury treatment has become twice as involved and now consumes two nonrenewable resources.  (Beachcombing notwithstanding.)

  13. 4 minutes ago, Mroz4k said:

    Wonder if that will ever be a feature... (no doubt it will be a mod feature when the game gets official mod support :D)

    Oh most likely.  Honestly, the way the revolver functions currently is a perfect fit for TLD.  This is not a shooter and never has been.  There are a lot of things that you CAN do with a revolver, that I'm sure someone somewhere will try to mod in.  Like speed loaders to quickly load the entire drum, fanning the hammer to semi-auto it at the expense of accuracy, and yes dual wielding which is also something best left to Hollywood.

    I mean I've tried shooting a pistol in each hand IRL, and yeah if you take the time and aim with each one sure you can hit targets with reasonable accuracy, but if you try to full on John Woo it, you'll just end up wasting ammo.

  14. 18 minutes ago, Ice Hole said:

    You are right. I just found out it takes two sprains to make the revolver unusable. 

    Ended up spraining my wrist sooner than I thought.  In addition to the revolver, you can now also throw stones with a single wrist sprain.

    Edit: Today is my lucky day--I found a flare gun in HRV.  I did not know that one could spawn there...  Well this confirms it, you can wield the flare pistol with a single sprained wrist.

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  15. 3 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    I never thought I would actively try to get my character hurt, just to test the system and the complaints sen on these and other forums., But, there you go. I worked hard to get hurt. And it told me that the sprain system is better now than it used to be.

    My go-to sprain factory is the 2nd floor of the hunting lodge in broken railroad.  Bust down the boxes and just walk right off the 2nd floor onto the 1st.  You'll sprain something for sure.

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  16. 21 minutes ago, Ice Hole said:

    This might be a bug but I am not sre.

    With a wrist sprain is the revolver a weapon to hold?

    I will need to wait for a sprained wrist to check, but I believe you can wield the revolver with one sprained wrist yes.  The rifle and bow are two-handed weapons that you cannot wield with either hand sprained, but the revolver being a one-handed weapon, I suspect this is intentional.  Possibly the flare pistol has also been updated, but I'm in HRV right now so that will have to wait.

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