Willy Pete

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Posts posted by Willy Pete

  1. It could be cool if we could get a lever-action rifle that fires revolver rounds. It would deal damage somewhere between the hunting rifle and the revolver while weighing about the same as the hunting rifle or Vaughn's rifle while having a capacity of 7-8 rounds. It would fill a middle ground where I imagine it would be an excellent Timberwolf clearing weapon with potential to bring down deer.

    I love a good cowboy loadout where your primary and secondary both use the same ammo, too. Maybe we can get a cowboy hat to complement it.

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  2. What if we had more bow variants? Enough to match the current rifle variants, perhaps. We already have the Woodright's bow, but what else could we have for more variety?

    Timmy's Bow (or Youth Bow)

    This bow would weigh half as much as the Survival Bow at .25 kg but would only be able to use fire-hardened arrows due to its lower draw weight and size. Other than that, it would be identical statistic-wise to the Survival Bow or maybe have greater durability or slightly reduced sway. Maybe one could find this in Pleasant Valley near the archery target along with some fire-hardened arrows.

    Rainsford's Bow (or Compound Bow)

    This bow would weight more than the Survival or Woodright's bow, probably clocking in between 1 and 1.5 kg and would take slightly longer to draw than these bows. However it would have greatly reduced sway and deal more damage as well, perhaps just shy of the rifle damage-wise. This bow would probably be found somewhere hard to reach like Mountain Pass once that is implemented.

    Modern Arrows

    To me, the name Simple arrows always implied the existence of a more advanced arrow, and what better way to complement the new bows than to add another arrow type? These arrows would need to be found, probably in the same region as Rainsford's Bow, and once broken wouldn't be repairable or harvestable. They would however, decrease bleed-out times compared to the Simple arrow.

    I was thinking it would be cool if there was some note-based story to go along with Rainsford's Bow and the Modern arrows similar to the one for the technical backpack. You would find an initial note that Rainsford was hunting some sort of dangerous game like the cougar and you would find the arrows sticking out of trees where he had missed while chasing his target down.

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  3. I was thinking about this earlier, as far as gameplay would go you'd probably have to craft or find some sort of tap that you could then stick into maple trees.

    Each maple tree would give enough sap to make one item of syrup which would require a few hours in a cooking vessel to simmer down.

  4. With bows supporting multiple arrows now, it'd be cool if in some remote location you can find a handful of hunting arrows with broadheads and carbon fiber shafts. They wouldn't be repairable or salvageable but would weigh less, hit harder, and bleed faster than simple arrows.

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  5. I've also never run into the problem of getting dysentery (which I can't spell for the life of me without Google's help, lol) but that's not necessarily a problem in my eyes. The Long Dark is all about making sound choices and planning ahead and I've never had unsafe water in my inventory for longer than a few minutes because I always plan my fire duration.

    The matter of safe water from toilets, so I've been told in other threads, is to assist folks just starting runs with scarce firestarting equipment and whatnot. You can very easily survive starvation, but dehydration is another matter entirely and safe water is there for game balance.

    I could see a mod adding this feature, but the base game is fine as is.

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  6. With the roadmap for the current DLC having advanced recipes listed, it'd be cool if cured guts could be used in conjunction with the various meat items to create sausages. These might have better weight to calorie ratios than normal cooked meats, have a lower scent rating, or in some other way differ from regular old meat steaks.

    • Upvote 3
  7. Continuing the trend of item variants, I had some ideas for other tools that could have variants. A whole line of Curators variants with engraving, Damascus steel, etc. are a given so I won't mention them. I'm more interested in unique variants with pros and cons compared to the current tools.

    Pocket Knife

    The pocket knife would weigh much less than the hunting knife, perhaps .25 kg and degrade faster when used. It would be less effective than the hunting knife in struggles and if more cons are required would be only as effective as the improvised knife for tasks.

    Combat Knife

    The combat knife would weigh more than the hunting knife at 0.75 kg but degrade slower and be much more effective in struggles, perhaps on par with the hatchet or the heavy hammer. However, it would be less effective at tool-based tasks such as carcass harvesting and crafting.

    Wood Saw

    The wood saw would weigh less than the hacksaw at 0.75 kg but would be as effective or more effective than the hatchet at harvesting wood from tree limbs and branches. The major con, however, is that the wood saw would not be able to break down metal items or open crates on Timberwolf Mountain.

    Lumber Axe

    The lumber axe would weigh more than the hatchet at 2.0 kg and be more effective at harvesting wood than the hatchet. However, being a two-handed weapon it could not be used in struggles.


    The tomahawk would weigh the same as the hatchet but trade its durability and effectiveness as a tool for its drastically improved ability in struggles, rivaling the heavy hammer in struggle effectiveness while also causing bleeding.

    • Upvote 3
  8. Had an idea as I was brewing some tea: what if a teapot was added to the game? 

    It would only be able to make water (up to 1L compared to the cooking pot's 2L) or brew tea/coffee, but would do so slightly faster than the cooking pot at 5-10% while weighing slightly less, maybe 0.5 kg.

    It would fit a middle ground role between the recycled can and cooking pot, boiling more water faster than the recycled can while being unable to prepare food items like the cooking pot.

    It would also be cool to hear the teapot whistle when the water is ready.

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  9. With the new rifle variants (Vaughn's rifle is my fave) I figure we're eventually going to get revolver variants and wanted to throw out my ideas on the matter. Just like the rifle, the pistol would have three variants:

    Jeremiah's Revolver (or Hunting Revolver): a long-barreled revolver that deals higher damage but weighs more. It would be cool if it could also only hold 5 rounds but I understand if that's not super easy to do game-wise.

    Curator's Revolver: beautiful and engraved like the Curator's rifle.

    Mathis' Revolver (or Snub-Nose Revolver): a shorter barrel and smaller grip give this variant a reduced weight but increased recoil compared to the base revolver.


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  10. Bear spray would be a rare item found in canisters with each canister being able to be used 5-10 times. It only works on charging bears, and you need to time your spray just right to get it to work. If you do manage to tag the bear with the spray, it will work similar to hitting a charging wolf with a rock; the bear would veer off and have a somewhat short fleeing period before it would lock back onto you and reset to its stalking mode. This would ideally be a last resort item where you're caught with your pants down as spraying the bear too early or too late would mean risking an attack.