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Posts posted by Luciën

  1. Looking back at the Embrace of Winter, I really liked the experience. It introduced me to finally move away from being a Pilgrim. Somehow it turned out that wolves started approaching me unfriendly.

    And that experience has been quite a leap from being just safe, except for the weather and food.

    I almost downloaded the version that removed Cabin Fever from the challenge. Which I thought was silly. It's a survival, and being indoors can feel cosy, but the idea is to stay warm. I thought staying alive wasn't such a big thing, especially after finding some weapon (that was around day 22).

    Anyway, thanks a lot for coming up with this!

  2. I am really looking forward to this update! Can't wait to set foot in the lovely unpleasant valley in story mode. Wonder how things will fall into place in the stories of doctor Astrid. Will she take just as long to move from one place to another as Will did? I always thought: "Will hurry up!" as I slowed him down leaning over to get some rosehips ;)

    I am exceptionally happy to find that Episode 3 will be unlocked for everyone. I just booted the long dark through steam and it replaced all my local save files, including the finished episode 2. Ooohhhh how devastating that felt. For a minute.
    Because of these unlocked episodes. The Bear Hunt, was still a bit too overwhelming for me. The inevitable. The stress. Although it felt like a big accomplishment afterwards :) I wouldn't necessarily have to do that fight over again. Which is great. Yay.

    About these old saves in Survival Mode... The good thing about losing an old save game is being able to start all over again. And the early beginnings are always special. Even for a pilgrim such as myself. So in the end it's only a minor bruise, mainly because I will not see the lost and found section.

    So... jeszcze raz: Merci beaucoup! En tot ziens!


  3. He, ik ben weer terug op het forum. Hoop dat jullie nog niet verdwaald zijn geraakt.
    Net nog het laatste restje witlofsoep gegeten, het was weer voortreffelijk. With lof to the chef cookin ;))

    Ik heb niets van Keywords vernomen, dat had ik eigenlijk ook niet verwacht al was het sjiek geweest als er wel een mailtje terug was gekomen. Ik denk dat we voor een nieuwe hersteloperatie in de vertaling moeten wachten op de herziene versie van aflevering 1 en 2. Met de nieuwe dialogen komt natuurlijk ook meteen heeel veel nieuw vertaalwerk mee.

  4. I wanted to ask the same question that @StrangerFromTheInternetasked already. I have only just found out the lack of a store page (and my abfab review) on and this is what the support person said:


    The Long Dark was removed from our catalogue on November 7th and you are no longer able to purchase it.
    Those who already own the games will of course still be able to access them through their library. All owners will also have access to updates even after the game’s removal.
    My apologies for any inconvenience caused.

    So, I second that question.

  5. Inmiddels is dus duidelijk geworden dat het vertaalwerk wordt uitgevoerd door het externe vertaalbureau Keywords. Ze houden geen kantoor in Nederland (wel in Groot-Brittannië, Duitsland, Polen etc.) en dat verklaart mogelijk dat bijvoorbeeld de Duitse vertaling wel redelijk is. Althans ik bekeek vandaag een filmpje van een vrouw op youtube, die de Duitse versie speelde. Locatienamen en regionamen leken er (op het eerste gezicht) veel vaker en juister vertaald, en dat gold ook voor zoiets als het "hertenkarkas", dear carcass is vertaald als Rehkadaver. Kadaver is, bij nader inzien, een preciezer beschrijving van wat het is: een lichaam van een dood dier. En niet een geraamte, wat het karkas is.

    Ik heb Keywords vrijdag gewoon maar eens een e-mailtje gestuurd. Hoe zij de vertaling hebben ingestoken, en of er bijvoorbeeld direct bijdragen zouden kunnen worden gedaan vanuit de gebruikersgemeenschap.

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  6. I'm referring to a post of our fresh new community member @CGTv here (welcome Sunny!) as I pose the question. There has been much praise about the soundtrack of The Long Dark. Rightfully so. Sunny found out that music from The Long Dark has been used in a popular Belgian tv show, of course somewhere just before the cliffhanger (which happened to me in The Long Dark more than once ;)).

    Has the music been used more often in other productions? What's your stance on using the music that helped creating the TLD atmosphere to colour completely different scenes? Does it help generating extra attention towards The Long Dark? Do you put stickers on physical copies promoting 'contains music also known from television series 'Familie'? Just a few ideas.


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  7. Kijkmamzonderhanden.thumb.png.b136b32d4f21981547685cbe9776b162.pngI can't help but noticing your last name being very "Brabants". I somehow remember that your parents have their roots in the Netherlands. I wondered: do you like cycling? (it's considered very Dutch (and Danish & Chinese))

    And if you do like cycling, even when it's cold, do you ever put your hands in your sleeves like Astrid does in this (supposed) bug? That's what it made me think of when I saw these two arms hanging from her.

    Speaking of which (basically a second question), could this be some pre-work showing of the characters' full body? (by the way this GOG's version 1.35)

  8. Ha @TWM, leuk om de aansnijder van dit punt weer terug te zien alhier!
    Ik zie ook niet waarom dit echt een megaprioriteit zou moeten zijn. Ik denk ook niet dat jonge kinderen snel problemen hebben met het Engels, al zal dit specifieke taalgebruik misschien wat problemen opleveren. Ik denk eerder dat, als ik zo om mij heen kijken, volwassenen meer moeite hebben met de Engelse taal dan kinderen dat hebben. Hoe mooi zou het zijn als we van de Hoeve Trapper "Blokhut van een pelsjager' kunnen maken?

    Los daarvan zie ik wel de schoonheid van de taal, zie ook de rubriek 'Vertaalvoutjes' die ik mede naar aanleiding van deze taalkwestie ben gestart. Ook om mensen te prikkelen, en voor mij een excuus om nog 'ns een duik te nemen in mijn moedertaal.

    Overigens heb ik, denk ik een maand terug, wel een foutrapport bezorgd bij het ontwikkelaarsteam, gewoon om een aantal punten aan te stippen. En vervolgens aangeboden, grotendeels uit liefhebberij, een steentje bij te dragen bij het verhelpen van de meeste vertaalfouten. Actief, dus lijsten nalopen en mogelijk met een actieve gemeenschap hier op het forum te komen tot mooie namen voor de diverse gebieden en locaties op Great Bear Island. Ik vind dat wel een mooie uitdaging. (Later zag ik trouwens dat ik die melding anoniem heb gedaan en toen bleek het onmogelijk mij aan te melden bij het systeem, maar allez)

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  9. As a conclusion to today's Question Avalanche on my behalf, a follow up on my language question of last week. Thanks for answering by the way.

    I have been looking up some of the logical sounding names on the Canadian map, and I did find Pleasant Valley, the Great Bear Rainforest. Where do the names of the regions originate? How much of it is invented?
    What would be the French counterpart for the region's names?

  10. I have the feeling some people have great urges finding more goodies in the game. Such as pancakes.
    All this being either silly or serious, it of course has to make sense in your roadmap to survival of Hinterland's creative and financial prosperity.

    The Long Dark & Hinterland's origins are very much crowd funding related. Is there a way that you could try out and see if you can do additional crowd funding for accelerating the introduction of new features? With allocated and designated funding one could attract additional employees for the specific task at hand. Or would that impact the team spirit too much?

    I could imagine donating. I actually bought the steam licence just because. Especially if you make gifts tax deductible ;)

  11. I remember checking the website daily for the vigilant flame update. And then, one fine day you published the seemingly not so very much related post about diversity in Hinterland Studio's.

    I support the idea of promoting and actively stimulating diversity within organisations and game studios are no exception from the rule. But what made Hinterland decide  to publish this shout out to the world at this point? What makes Hinterland so passionate about the subject?
    Do ideas about diversity influence the game production - I would imagine story wise? In Wintermute we're still looking at what is most commonly the norm, a white  heterosexual couple.  What would it take to portray a homosexual couple in a game story like The Long Dark (so, without putting the emphasis on the sexual preference but on things that you know, are emphasised in the current storyline such as survival and building trust)?

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  12. I am not so sure about your history as a game builder (probably something that backers might know more of), but I remember it was quite extensive.

    With the expansion of online communities, could you tell the difference it makes for a game studio? How does that influence the production process? Tricky question: does the focus on community building have a negative sides? Anything that you might look back at offline ages with some melancholy?

    Or maybe more in general: how has game development changed over the period in which you started as a game designer and director?

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  13. Another language related question from me.

    Since the game has an obvious Canadian character, and Canada also has the French as official language, I was wondering. Has there ever been considered using French as the game's language? I know, I know, we have bilingual signs for Lac Mystère. And I know English is way more common in the game world, it would cross my mind every now and then.

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  14. Hello community,

    After I've started playing the long dark, I ended up watching quite a few Let's Plays on video service Youtube. I quite liked Graystillplays (although he is one speedy conversationalist) and loved the stuff of @Hadrian (I know he's around somewhere). Both Gray and Hadrian were fun enough to watch complete series. So, if you needed any tips. Hadrian is particularly cool because of his fantastic cliffhangers and for commenting on "Mark" and "Jennifer" (the voice actors involved).

    Lately, I have been on the lookout for something in particular. Not a Let's Play with player commentary as with Hadrian but a particular Let's Play with the player doing improvised voice acting as if the 'voice'  of the player is speaking in character. So would the movement. So... less instructions and more story building (as do most of us). I feel immersion increases when you actively add your own story to a survival playthrough. I noticed there are a few tricks to make moving through the regions less game-like and more natural. I am thinking of doing one myself (which would be totally the first time) but I was guessing this would have been done before by someone else.


  15. As a teenager, I have been thoroughly playing Ultima Underworld (and more recently, Ultima Underworld II) . I remember the box, with it's disks and of course the map of the first level of the Stygian Abyss. I have never really immersed in a first person game to that extent ever since, except for playing pinball fantasies, perhaps, growling at the machine :). Although, I must admit I am not a connaisseur on (survival) games, so perhaps it has his counterparts. To me, The Long Dark comes close to the  beauty and atmosphere (look through Ultima's pixels). My compliments to the chefs at Hinterland.

    What I loved about this Ultima Underworld game, apart from the music, gloomy atmosphere and the suspense was the bartering system (trading items) and trying to figure out weird languages (anyone talking salamander?). The latter is of course more of the fantasy kind of thing, but the bartering is something that I would imagine one doing in a barren world (apart from shooting each other to survive, that is, apparently). Is Ultima Underworld a game that many in the studio are familiar with and am I right that it resembles in quite a few ways? (I could be talking about including a map of Bear Island in the box, as is going to happen)  I was wondering to what extent trading items could add up to players' story.

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  16. Bonjour á Raphael, et son confrères et -soeurs professionelles ;)

    Comment-ça va? I am pretty new to the community as a poster, but I am a fond follower of the Milton Mailbag. Speaking of mailbags full of fanmail: do you also have an physical address we can send fanmail to?

    On a side note, let me start by mentioning that I've been thoroughly enjoying the game thus far. I am a real pilgrim, I like to challenge the environment and let the cold wind blow in my face. The new cooking mechanism I really appreciate a lot. It very much builds the immersion to have some water boiling as you read a book or destroy some table for wood. I find the game very inspiring, for story telling reasons. Someone posted a list of story based questions that really thrilled me.

    Then for my question. I am really happy about the fact that there are quite a few translations around. As a storyteller and a language enthusiast myself I see the value in using technical yet colourful language. Since I am from the Netherlands and have Dutch as my mother tongue, I have selected the Dutch version of the game. Although with the release of the game came many improvements I have noticed numerous flaws in the translation. For instance, I can see how translated buffer memories can be either more poetic or natural written text.

    There has been discussion about future possibilities of adding modifications to the game. Is there a way people from the fan base with certain capacities can help build a better translation? I am not per say talking about paid positions, I am just inspired enough and willing to contribute by any means. In that light I am thinking about story (not game) driven let's play in Dutch. 

    Keep 'm trucking!

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  17. Goed te lezen dat de Nederlandse vertaling wordt gebruikt en kritisch wordt bekeken. Spijtig genoeg stamt de discussie uit 2016 en is er in de recente uitgave van het spel geenszins verbetering opgetreden.

    Heeft iemand vertaalfouten als 'bugs' gemeld? Lijkt mij namelijk erg omslachtig en ondoenlijk voor de groep ontwikkelaars om stuk voor stuk op te pakken?

    Een betere oplossing is al dan niet gecoördineerd een vertaalclubje aan het werk te zetten en direct in de woordenlijsten te werken. Geef mij het werkbestand en ik loop alle missers zelf wel na! Ja toch, niet dan?

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