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Posts posted by Ahatch

  1. No access to a work bench and I didn't find tool box so fishing tackles I have are going to have to do. But ya I'm 20 plus days in already I scrounged all the dead deer and rocked down some bunnies by the cabin. Have caught a lot of fish :) That bear keeps me on high alert though as I have no answer for him. Just run back to the cabin when I see him heading my way. 

  2. So I finished a personal challenge on Voyageur to stay on Hushed River Valley 50 days from the start and now I'm doing the same with Bleak Inlet. So far I'm about 6 days in but I've pretty much looted the whole map and no gun. Luckily I had a few blue marine flares so I was able to get into the cannery and found a couple fishing tackles. So the hope is I can live on fish and bunnies to make the 50 day run. Unable to find any sort of hunting weapon so it will be pretty tough. 

  3. Once you loot the whole map your cloths situation should be good. Food will be the issue early on and the fact you have the bow should help a lot with that. There are places on the map where the wolves are ways back and you can't hunt deer safely. 

  4. Before this run I played it on Pilgrim for an hour way back when they first released then after died there on interloper starts because I didn't know where to go LOL . I either froze to death or got killed by bear, moose or wolf before I could figure it out.  I'm starting a Voyageur run on Bleak Inlet for a 50 day run (so no visit to the cannery as no start points by the tower. Should be equally or more difficult. 

  5. Well today I finished up 50 days from the start on Hushed River Valley. After staying on the one map and surviving and spending all that time forwarding all my loot from the top of the map through the ice caves and the main items to Mountain Town. I find the map much easier to navigate and it's not so bad really. I did stay out of the wolf / bear infested area east of Stairsteps Lake however. Might be a good place to bring an interloper character with good cloths and level 5 archery.  



  6. All the above mentioned but the big one for me is cat tail collecting. No matter what starting point on a new Interloper run survival usually hinges on how many cat tail stalks I can collect in the first days of survival. Since one can't hunt or snare rabbits and you need to keep moving to collect as much good cloths before they go bad . So to get you through those early lean times you need to plan your route to make sure you get stalks. 

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  7. I'm now at 40 days as I went up to Monolith Lake and killed a moose which gave me enough meat. I've pretty much looted the entire region so now to curb boredom I'm just forwarding my resources to the ice cave system before leaving for Mountain Town once I hit 50 days. Likely never finish this Voyageur run though as I normally play Interloper. Thinking of bringing my very bored 500 day Interloper survivor here just to see if I can make it more interesting for her. 

  8. Well I'm halfway through this challenge and it's looking much easier from here on out. I found a 100% bow with 2 100% arrows on Moose Lookout. So my hunting options for the next number of days look real good. I'm hanging out at Valley Cave just hunting deer as there seems to be lots here with minimal wolf interference. 

  9. I found an extra bed roll at Monolith Lake (Watchfall Falls Cave) so I got extra cloth there. I have not bad cloths it's going to be the food issue I'm sure as I found only one snare and with no reclaimed wood or tools on the map it's going to be tough to snare rabbits. 

  10. I'm at 15 days and have covered most of the map. Have plenty of matches now and a few more bullets for the rifle. I have shot a couple deer and staying in the Ice Cave north of the Hushed River. It is a good spot because I can rope climb down to the river then hit the other ice cave system.  I think it will be ok for now but may need to bring down a bear if I want to get enough meat to make the full 50 days. 

  11. I have a pretty decent run going about 5 days in have a rifle with a couple bullets and have found enough food for now cattails etc. I started near Stairsteps Lake and worked my way to the Hushed River then to the ice caves. I managed to get to the signal fire and have the moose satchel. I have the magnifying glass so can conserve a bit on the matches I have. Just want to find the tools and some reclaimed wood so I can settle down some where to snare some rabbits. 

  12. Heh had a short run yesterday started out good near the west side of the map by the lake full of deer. But I wanted to get more loot so I ventured straight into a wolf. Getting through those first couple days is the toughest so far. 

  13. Resource wise it wasn't too bad but I tend to move around too much (interloper habit) I was exploring the region and trying to gather enough resources. I had managed to make it to the signal fire and got the moose sachet etc. Food was ok , I went through the ice cave and popped out near the Hushed River. I should have just stuck in the ice cave and explored them better before venturing out. I don't know the region that well so I sometimes get turned around and I wander around looking for shelter and walk myself into trouble. So if I was familiar with the region like I am with Mystery Lake I would find it much easier. 

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  14. I've decided to try to start a Voyageur run on Hushed River Valley and stay there 50 days before leaving. Pretty tough so far as I died at 5 days mauled by bear then wolfed right after. Tough region I must say , anyone try starting and staying here before? 

  15. Really disappointed with this run ending due to a game save issue. Lost the entire 220 day run   due to some synching with the Steam Cloud . I had about 25 days in at Timberwolf mountain and was looking good. As always starting a new interloper run is going to mean numerous fails in the first 20 days so getting back to this point is going to be incredibly difficult. 

  16. I lost my latest game save on my 200 day Interloper run due to the game save on Steam not matching the one on my laptop. When I picked the latest one when the game loaded up my newest save was nowhere to be found. Is there a way to reverse it or is it gone forever? 

  17. Having completed my 500 day run on Interloper I have decided to try to get a long run going that I will spend at least 50 days at each region. I started on Forlorn Muskeg and worked my way through Mystery Lake to Coastal Highway. At about day 20 I made the move to Desolation Point and the Riken. I shot the moose there and managed to gut out 53 days on the region. When the wildlife spawns dried up I went back to Coastal Highway briefly then returned to Mystery Lake. I stayed there to get me to 49 days then scooted into Pleasant Valley for 49 more grueling days. Spent pretty much the whole time snaring rabbits although I shot a couple bears and got the Bedroll crafted. I'm currently at Crystal Lake on Timberwolf Mountain and about 13 days in. I shot the bear on the lake the first day so have been living off that for the most part. It's so cold here though as my health never gets to 50% anymore due to the cold. Have to gather sticks here as it's too cold to chop wood. I plan on staying here 50 days then cross Pleasant Valley and Mystery Lake then do a long stay on Forlorn Muskeg that is if I manage to survive that long. 

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  18. I'm currently trying an interloper run that you spend at least 50 days at all the regions I'm 200 plus  days in and working on Timberwolf Mountain. Have Mystery Lake, Pleasant Valley and Desolation Point completed . Need 27 days more on Coastal to go later. But is going to get real tough (if I survive) when I have to stay on Forlorn Muskeg / Bleak Inlet 300 days in to the run. 

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  19. Every interloper run I have to stop myself from just staying at the little cabin at the back of Mystery Lake. I don't know why I get so hooked on the place it's the occasional easy to pick off bear. The close jaunt over to the fishing hut to load up on fish and lamp oil. The short hike over to the warm cave to ward off cabin fever, camp office near for crafting. 

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  20. Well play a lot of interloper and have to go with the Farmhouse on Pleasant Valley because of the location along with the weather. There's an orchard with rows of trees that when walking you sometimes lose your place in a blizzard. The other problem you are kind in the middle of no where sure there is bunnies on either side but it's better just to stay in the barn by the road and scoot over to the farmhouse when you need to craft or get some more cloth. 

    A close second goes to Spence Farmstead on Forlorn Muskeg because you need a permafire to stay there and there are too many wolves lurking around. 

    I see folks don't like the Rikan but I beg to differ. I could stay there a long time on Loper if the wildlife spawn rate was better. The trouble on DP is once you thin the wolves and kill the bear and all available deer they don't spawn well enough to make it worthwhile staying. Some knocks on Hunting Lodge but never had a problem there because once the bear at the bottom of the rope is dead there's a nice safe cave nearby to ward off cabin fever.