Drifter Man

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Posts posted by Drifter Man

  1. 1 hour ago, Hotzn said:


    I recognize that sound! It's the sound of cooked fish falling on ice.

    Fun reading how you explore all the new (even not so new) stuff added to TLD.

    Rabbits can be stunned by stones. Then picked up and... brutalized. The stone-throwing part takes some practice, though.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, jeffpeng said:

    OG TLD Scientist @Drifter Manonce had a neat graph on these forums that very well explained what is happening.

    I can even dig out that old post. It has been in demand over the years 🙂

    Just note that what I am saying about cabin fever in that post is not right.


    • Upvote 1
  3. Agreed, great writing. Entertaining read.

    Brings back so many memories. Places I knew so well. The early game feeling of being set up in a warm place but knowing you have to move out soon, into the dangerous world outside, because your firewood and food will run out within hours. The feeling of harvesting a moose - you want all that meat but you know it's way more than you can eat and lug around. The feeling when the last bits of your moose reserves are running out and food will soon become a problem again.

    That's all TLD.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Great to see that you carry the torch of extreme interlopism (or outerlopism, in this case).

    It is a bad weather day in the TWM. I'm sitting on 30 kg of bear meat in Mountaineer's Hut, rifle on the floor... should I finally fix my expedition parka tonight? Its condition is only 79%... no, I'll leave it for tomorrow. Let's just read Stone's zero challenge journal and go to bed.

    • Like 1
  5. I can tell you - it is possible, and also not all rabbit groves are created equal, i.e. some will replenish fast and some more slowly.

    A spot like Jackrabbit will probably be one of the good ones, and on Voyageur you may not be able to deplete it.

    All spots in the Ravine (except maybe the Basin, which I haven't checked) deplete fast and take long to replenish. Trapper's Homestead and Marsh Ridge, on the other hand, have lots of rabbits.

  6. I've recently gotten back to TLD after a long break and noticed something I'm sure wasn't there before. Wildlife will not move when outside of player's field of view but well within sighting range. Wolves and deer that are not aware of the player just freeze in place in some default position. When you look back at them, they suddenly and visibly 'unfreeze' in a fraction of a second and get back to their normal routine. It looks unnatural - humans are good at extrapolating movement, so I can immediately see that something is wrong. In addition, it makes wolves easy to avoid - just don't look at them and they won't move. Something similar happens to rabbits: I've even been able to sneak up to a frozen rabbit and knock it out with a stone.

    Bears don't seem to be affected, once they spawn, they follow their usual scripted routes regardless of what the player does. And I've yet to meet a moose in my new game.

    Anyone else noticed this?

  7. Yes... bears are known to have an appetite for rare clothing items and bedrolls. I used to be an obsessive hoarder of spare wool toques and bedrolls that I'd keep stored and repaired in a locker - because on day 455 you hardly get a chance to find another one that hasn't turned into dust. And bearskin bedrolls are so heavy and repair-hungry that I've never got to like them...

    Good that you made it! Now on to 500 :)

  8. 20 hours ago, Dan_ said:

    With the possibility of disabling birch bark crafting, the old style deadman is possible and doable. If you ever decide to take up the challenge again, please document and post it, loved reading your survival stories on the forums. It was like a daily ritual for me!

    Thanks! I've noticed the new birch bark option. One day, perhaps, "Number 10" shall return....

  9. 20 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

    The biggest problem is.... you can't afford a sprain on the way to the Summit at Deer Clearing anymore.

    I haven't thought about it. Cloth-limited challenges in climbing areas have become more challenging. Fortunately @fauxjargon chose relatively flat ground for this project.

    On 6/3/2020 at 8:17 PM, Hotzn said:

    Also a shoutout to the old goons chiming in here and kidnapping the thread!

    I agree :) Let's return control of this space to the rightful owner :D

  10. 6 hours ago, Vhalkyrie said:

    Hey Drifter - glad to see a familiar name after such a long time!

    Yes, it's still possible on TWM.  I'm doing it now.  Things have changed, but also still the same.  My new game is subsisting on mostly fish and rabbits, but the stolen deer is a boon as it has been before.

    But for survivability on non fishing zones like FM and BR, deer steals are still viable, but tricky.  Startling them before they detect you is the best chance.  Other than that, they always leave at least 1kg of meat that can be scavenged after they get their fill.

    Good to see you too! I remember reading your "many deaths" journal when passing time in the Dam.

    I don't play anymore but I keep returning from time to time - like you, I guess.

  11. The main problem with FM-only Interloper was the missing hammer. You still can't have the hammer only in FM, right? That's why @fauxjargon's recipe with BR could work.

    In TWM I made my living out of fish + an occasional stolen deer kill. It ended up being quite comfortable - unless you go Sasquatch of course :D But the game has changed since, maybe this wouldn't be possible anymore.

    2 hours ago, fauxjargon said:

    Broken Muskeg Part Deux ended ignominiously, with massive internal injuries sustained after falling off a cliff while avoiding a wolf.

    And I've heard that wolves can now even draw you in from a cliff with their powerful geomagnetic force.

  12. Sound like a good challenge. I've tried before to define a survivable outdoor-only region including the Muskeg and HRV, but it didn't work very well. This one isn't outdoor only, but could be interesting.

    From my experience, the bunny run at Marsh Ridge is one of the high-yield ones - on par with the one at Trapper's. And there's another, smaller run just around the corner in Milton Basin, if you need to top up.

    On 5/26/2020 at 8:59 PM, fauxjargon said:

    Note to Hinterland:  Given that tinder is not exactly scarce, why is birch bark first in the tinder selection window?

    Alphabetical order... "Birch" comes before "Cattail", just like "Magnifying lens" comes before "Wood matches", independently of the current state of the cloud cover.

  13. 19 hours ago, Hotzn said:

    Good to see disciples of the notorious @Drifter Mantaking their first steps to stardom. +1

    Some more screenshots would be cool. And you should carefully read the master's AARs to pick up more vocabulary and start speaking 'Driftermannish'. Like calling Coastal Townsite 'Wolfen Wolfsite' and so on. I'll be following this...

    I agree, it is great to see more practitioners of extreme interlopism and deadmanship turning up to report their adventures. Needless to say, I keep coming back to read @DsnowMan's account.

    Everyone is free to explore their own writing style and vocabulary though! Many landmarks still wait for appropriate names...

    • Like 1
  14. On 2/29/2020 at 8:49 AM, BareSkin said:

    OMG, it's gonna be SO difficult not to read it before playing it myself :/


    Enjoy the run! As a hardened survivor, no matter how rusty, I found As the Dead Sleep a little less challenging than I expected, but still fun.