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Everything posted by Tbone555

  1. just did it. i didnt have any firewood, so i HAD to try it in the dark, or freeze to death waiting for daylight lord, it was scary scaling down that mountain. with my flare. i couldn't find any other way out of that situation, other than climbing down if you could accidentally overdose on painkillers on this game, i would have! xD
  2. i'll look around a bit, but its absolutely pitch black xD thanks for the heads up though, i was literally just about to try to climb down the mountain i've made a lot of mistakes on this run. buuuut, at least I'm learning from them!
  3. on the run I'm on now, I'm attempting a "haul ass" approach. i skipped most of the loot in ML (save the trappers cabin, just to have some start supplies) and traveled straight to CH as fast as humanly possible. and i skipped most of the loot there, aswell, but looted every house in the townsite (skipping the gas station) just to get a good supply of coffee, condensed milk, peanut butter and warm clothes. i was lucky in this regard, i didnt expect to get so much great loot from these houses. then from there i went up the path by the town, went through the mine to PV and then completely skipped that map, too, taking the path straight to TWM. lots of coffee later, i'm stuck on the summit. literally stuck. spotted a body in the lower section of the tail of the plane. so naturally, i dropped down to loot the poor sod. i got a premium winter coat, MRE, and emergency stim... but promptly realized that there is no way back up. its either find some way to scale down the side of the mountain and risk falling to my death, or freeze to death up there (which is probably what happened to that poor fella i looted...) i screwed myself good this time.. xD
  4. mom crochet me a blanket, bless her :)

    bout to go wrap up in it and play The Long Dark all night! :D

  5. bout to grab my morning coffee and ride out a few more days in the long dark.

  6. gotta wonder why the human body is so fragile. our bodies were designed to walk 20 miles a day and fight off sabertooth tigers. but you can get a small cut on the arm and roll over and die from infection

  7. just got me some herbal tea to help with my flu. lets see if it saves my life like it has in the long dark :P

  8. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh i cant wait for the new update.
    its killing me...

  9. nope, nope, nope, nope.

    not reading ANY MORE about the next update

    i want to figure it all out myself :P

  10. while i'm always upset when a pack of wolves mauls my character, i'm secretly constantly hoping it happens. :P

  11. i cant WAIT for the next update.
    to think, my guy is actually gonna have a character model.. *-*

  12. so hard to believe my character is going to have HANDS soon!! ... HANDS!! D:

  13. still just patiently awaiting story mode...

  14. man. i have to wait till next tuesday to watch Blow on directv.

  15. i had over 60 screenies and gameclips from the long dark in my game dvr. stuff that i was really proud of and wanted to keep.

    connected my xbox to the internet and for some reason every single one of them were automatically deleted.

    thanks, microsoft.

  16. man. is it REALLY quiet around here to anyone else? or is it just me?

  17. been away for a few days, but I'm finally back :D

  18. finally watched smokey and the bandit again earlier today :D. been a looooooong time since i've seen that movie :P

    1. illanthropist


      right turn Clyde ;)

  19. Might take a break from my current sandbox, start up a new one to attempt a challenge or two.

  20. uuuuuugh, if i don't get over this cough soon.. allergies, man.