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Status Replies posted by Tbone555

  1. Hello, fellow survivors! been a while.

    1. Tbone555


      Man pretty good. my hinterland coffee mug was broken, sadly. other than that, I've just been chillin and getting back into this game. how you been?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. I have to get back to journal of a lone ranger. The "ben" save is still floating around ;)

    He's gonna be quite surprised to find that the train tunnel is suddenly cleared:D

    1. Tbone555


      Apologies for any disappointment - but I decided not to continue the story. It's been so long since I was legitimately into this game, so I decided to delete all my old saves and begin anew.

      Rest assured though - if I find myself as immersed in the game as I used to be with this fresh start, I may just be starting up a new survival story for you to follow :D

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Happy Memorial Day! Shall we forever remember the fallen.

    1. Tbone555


      no no, it's all fine nicko :D i personally have a very low knowledge of other cultures holidays, myself. its nothing you need to apologize for :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Happy Memorial Day! Shall we forever remember the fallen.

    1. Tbone555


      memorial day is to pay respect to the soldiers here in the U.S. that have fallen in battle, nicko :)
      many countries have similar holidays to it on their own date.

      thanks, wastelander :)

      happy memorial day!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. "the long dark and chill?"

    i sincerely hope i get to say this to a girl one day xD

    1. Tbone555


      i've never read a truer statement... xD

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. "the long dark and chill?"

    i sincerely hope i get to say this to a girl one day xD

    1. Tbone555


      the first time i met fluffy... it was my first time playing the game. the 2 hour trial on xbox preview. started by the derelict cabin over near the camp office. stumbled around aimlessly picking up sticks, until i found the tunnel collapse. i though "oooh, follow the railroad and i'll find civilization!"

      and so i did, after warming up in the tunnel collapse. found the camp office, gathered supplies, warmed up again, went back out, and then finally made it to the dam. i was prying open a locker when fluffy jumped me from behind. god, you should have seen my face XD i may or may not have needed a change of wardrobe after that encounter xD

      fortunately, i had a bandage. i bandaged my wound, and got out of there as fast as i could. stumbled off into the blizzard and died desperately trying to make a fire behind a tree out of the wind.

      and i died trying to make my fire. faded into the long dark. as soon as i died, my two hour trial ended. and then i was like "THIS GAME IS SOMETHING I NEED IN MY LIFE" :P

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. "the long dark and chill?"

    i sincerely hope i get to say this to a girl one day xD

    1. Tbone555


      oh man, the early days! i wasn't around back then, but have seen plenty of screenies and gameplay. it's astonishing how far this game has come :D


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. leaving my rifle behind at the camp office was hard. but if i didnt, i'd be over encumbered and exhausted, so. think i made the right choice. Coastal Highway, here i come :bear:

    1. Tbone555


      i've gotten pretty used to dodging the wolves on CH! it aint my first rodeo :silly:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. strong black coffee, devil makes three and the long dark. starting my morning off right.

    1. Tbone555


      you've definitely got a great taste in music :P

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. accidentally drank an entire glass of spoiled milk. it was so loaded down with chocolate that i couldnt tell the difference.
    where did i leave those antibiotics?...

    1. Tbone555


      i had some stomach cramping and a headache from that milk, but other than that im generally good. 94 percent condition! B|

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. accidentally drank an entire glass of spoiled milk. it was so loaded down with chocolate that i couldnt tell the difference.
    where did i leave those antibiotics?...

  12. on vacation, just 'chilling'

    because i've been playing the long dark the whole time. get it? :P

    1. Tbone555


      so glad i've finally found someone that loves the long dark puns as much as i do xD

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Nice wallpaper dude B|

    1. Tbone555


      thanks :) i take no credit for it, though. I'm not quite sure who created it, i just googled "the long dark concept art" :P

  14. watching the edge tonight! its on starz west.

    1. Tbone555


      haha oh yeah! :P i got up early this morning to watch it again on the same channel

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. just stumbled into the forest outlook in ml for the desperate chance of finding matches and food.

    instead i find a rifle (complimented with a cleaning kit,) medical supplies, several candy and energy bars and a can of tomato soup.


    1. Tbone555


      oh. and matches. i found matches, too :P