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Posts posted by Amazombie

  1. One of the things i really miss now that mods are being done is the qol improvements. So I'd like to see some of them added. I'm sure some modders would even help hinterland if they needed.

    1. stacking and rotating objects. so much easier to organize your stash if you can do this

    2. shorter reading intervals

    3. break down cans for scrap metal

    4. clean up ground trash, again, just made things look nicer. 

    I like the changes in the current release , the only thing holding me back and using the last one is the mods. So i'd like to see those incorporated and remove that need

    • Upvote 3
  2. I think the problem with this is that the basis of the game is that there was some sort of magnetic event that threw everything off in the first place this by theory would cause issues with giving us compases. but maybe a hud option that can be turned on in sandbox would be nice. 

  3. It was my own fault for not saving the build, but since the mods out there changed QoL and made this game so much better, I hadnt been back since the changed that took them away. 

    Now I can enjoy this game again! Thank you so much hinterland! 

  4. 6 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    Can someone tell me exactly what actual bugs were fixed by any of these mods? 

    How is flying over the world (and over any and all wolves and bears) fixing a bug? How is giving yourself unlimited inventory space fixing a bug? How is giving yourself any item you want at any particular time, without exploring the world to search for it fixing a bug? How is giving yourself the ability to never get cold, hungry or thirsty fixing a bug?


    Exactly what bugs did any mod fix? And please, define what you and others think a "bug" is? 



    Seems you are the one who is uninformed its not all "cheat mods" like you seem to think. I've seen some that fix lighting issues, and before the update to sprains fixed issues with that. 

    While I didnt use any to fix "bugs" I did use many that were quality of life mods. Stacking ability, Shorter reading intervals, the ability to break down the trash littering the poi's . Nothing that gave any type of unfair advantage. You seem to have the same view as some on here that Modding and Cheating is one in the same and that simply is not it. 

    • Upvote 5
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  5. 2 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

    I think the main frustration comes from a misplaced sense of entitlement.  Hopefully you read Raph's statements... did you?  They don't seem at all offended or uninterested.  People just need to accept that this is their intellectual property, not ours.  They want to support mods, eventually and on their own terms.  Which is both natural and correct.  That this does not suit some, is not a Hinterland problem...

    I can't agree with your point of view because what you are using to prop up your argument is fundamentally and objectively not true. 


    I'll admit, this response he had was a good one. But up until that, that is not the case, as as been echoed by many here. In any case, I've stated my opinion. Shelved this version of the game and will play again when mods are supported. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. 56 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

    Alright folks, time to reasonable here :)

    First of all, whether or not Hinterland advocates people modifying their intellectual property is entirely up to them.
    Second, Hinterland has already stated that they want to integrate mod support and tools later on.  So, I'm not sure what you are all up in arms about.
    Third,  Hinterland has explained that the last update incorporated an update to the engine... and that this unintentionally broke your mods as a unanticipated side effect.  They weren't out to break your mods, they just weren't compatible with the update... and that's not Hinterlands fault.  Mods are third party...

    :D Honestly folks need to take these things in stride. 

    Nevermind, Raph has stepped in.  Please disregard any part of my post that does not align.  He of course knows the intentions of Hinterland better than any of us.  You know, because they are his intentions.  :) 

    I think the main frustration is that at least for the last 3 years or so it's been said its coming. Intentional or not, the HL staff seems to come off as really offended and uninterested about mods, the modding community as a whole. Sadly a lot of the people in favor of modding are not all on these forums, because I'd love to see some honest responses from those of us have no interest in the game without the mods. I'm one of them, the game is a great direction, but until modding support is in and the modders can re release the quality of life mods that a lot of us use, it will sit on the shelf.  I dont think they broke modding on purpose. But since the recent changes killed the modding, I think that officially supporting it really needs to be moved up the priority list. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. 36 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

    Before I do that, I'm going to wait to see what HL is going to do.  They mentioned they may temporarily roll back some updates to fix the crashing (which would re-enable mods).

    They did, and I believe they do, but, they also said it wont be permanent. As soon as they fix what was causing the crashes the mods are going away again. 

  8. I'm not going to post the link here, but if you look on reddit the directions are there on rolling back. I'd do that before that option is removed if you want to play with mods. You lose any new content from the last update on, but unless there are changes you really want thats a good way to go. TBH I do that will all my early access games. In case the take the game in a direction I dont like or break things I can still play the one I liked and keep working. I did this with 7dtd as well

  9. 5 minutes ago, Admin said:

    Short answer: mods broke because of a change in Unity we adopted to improve performances. To fix the current PC crash, we may have to roll that back and mods may work again for a short period of time. That is until we find a way to get those performance improvements in safely again, at which point mods are likely to break again. As for why we are currently not supporting mods, we have made it clear in the past: there are a lot of competing priorities while making a game like The Long Dark, with a team our size, at the level of quality that we want. At this stage, mods just create more work for our team still working and focusing on the core game (bug reports, performance issues etc.). We are looking forward to doing mod support justice with proper tools at a later stage.

    Well, thats certainly your right. I've seen people are already rolling back to previous version to keep playing with the unsupported mods and will just play that until the mods are made available again. Just hope you guys see the desire and maybe change your priorities a bit. 

    • Upvote 2
  10. 45 minutes ago, StrangerFromTheInternet said:

    Basically, the thing I don't understand is - if Hinterland is truly committed to adding mod support at some unknown time in the future, why are they trying to essentially get rid of the current modding community? And why switch to a scripting backend that will make modding exponentially more difficult? Do they just not see the impact this will have on their future modding API?

    Or was all this talk about adding mod support just PR, and there never were any genuine plans to add mod support?

    Basically from what I'm seeing, this is the general feeling. Its not like this is something new? Or that this is a small number. Hinterland only recently made talking about mods ok, but if you look else where this discussion has been going on for a long time now, and it is a fairly large chunk of its player base who use and want mods. for a long time it was no, no , no, and now "its on the list" that makes it seem like they threw it on just to shut up the people who want modding. Personally, I've been playing this game since 2016 and while they finally "added it to the list" Nothing they've said or done makes it seem like they care that its important to the community. This change taking the current unsupported mods away is another way of them showing they do not care about the modding community in my opinion. 

    • Upvote 2
  11. You mentioned maybe being able to do something with bones. I'd love to be able to make fishing hooks with them as well as use them for sewing like regular fish hooks now. Any chance we will ever see a pull sled of any type to help with base moves? Another add that would be very nice would be maybe foxes and large snares to get them? 

    In any event, love this game. Thanks for all you guys/gals hard work! 

  12. I'm for this. I will say, I would appreciate if we can get an ingame option. maybe ablility to use pages from an old book and make our own map as we explore. that way the surprise is still there but we have a reference. I know a lot of you are hard core, but for a lot of people in real life and game things often look the same and easily confused, so making your own maps and markers is a logical thing.