Is it usual for pairs of wolves in Voyageur


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As the title says was just wondering if this is common or just unlucky RNG.

A new game today, spawned in Dave's Rave Cave and when I got down to the Camp office was cornered from both the lake and rail sides by 2 wolves.

They hung around for a few hours, starving I made a dash back up the lake path and once at the cabins after guzzling a soda to keep me from death's door the weather closed in and come morning 2 wolves again approaching from West and East on the lake, so back up the path I went as I doubt a fishing hook provides much defence in a stand off and I'm not sure if you can use a rolled up newspaper as a weapon, given it's the Canadian wilderness and not the spectator stands of an English Pro football stadium in the 1980's!

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You will find about three wolves at the derailment on ML. Three more prowl the lake with one based near the office.

Coastal highway townsite is infested with wolves. I think GELtaz took down 4 wolves using raw meat bait and the bow. He's good; look for him on youtube.

To bypass the wolves waiting at the camp office, take the backdoor and crawl over to the ravine. The wolves don't patrol there. I just carry a lit torch and ignore them for the most part. That tactic might not always work but it has worked in the recent past.

Here is a video illustrating the torch and ignore technique. Skip to the one hour 8 minute mark.


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I watched his awesome gas station vid, did assume that was stalker mode though.  Found out the hardway about multiple wolves by the derailment, was fending off one with a torch and another attacked me from nowhere lol.  Ironic though given failure state is absolute, if that's the right term, it's never annoying!

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I was squatting in Camp Office the last few months. It's almost an ideal "home" in Mystery lake. However there are three points I've noticed wolves come from right outside the front door: 
Occasionally right at the lakes edge, more often across the way coming down off of the tall hill, and also often from the trees off to the west/southwest of the cabin where you find fallen tree limbs and sticks (this is straight out the back door of the cabin). 
Never see all at the same time, thank God. 
I've often noticed two~three wolves on the lake at times, and two at Derailment very often.

As you know by now, carrying torches --and dropping them between you and the wolf-- is a great strategy for distracting them while you make a getaway. It works better than bait, but you're at the mercy of the wind. 

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