Disappearing Rifle?


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My rifle has vanished. Could it have been lost/destroyed in a wolf attack where I drove the wolf away? That's the only significant event between when I last had it and when I noticed it was missing. I double-checked all my containers to see if I possibly stored it instead of something else, but no luck.

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Do you remember what condition your rifle was the last time you saw it? I have heard that if you have the rifle equipped during a wolf attack that the rifle can take damage. I wouldn't think it would disappear though. I would guess that if it got to 0% it would just need repair. However, knifes and hatchets do disappear when they reach 0%. I'm not sure because I've never had a rifle get to 0%, but this is my first guess, especially since you already suspect that it had something to do with the wolf attack.

My other guess is that you placed it somewhere and just forgot, a mistake I've made too many times. If that's the case, I hope you find it.

[Edited for grammar error that greatly changed the meaning of a sentence and probably caused confusion cuz it made little sense]

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Were you holding your rifle when you were attacked by a wolf or bear? Not sure about wolves but I tried to shoot a bear which only seemed to piss him off and he chased me back to the Trapper's Homestead. He caught up to me before I could get inside and almost killed me. I limped back into the building with 8% health and while recovering noticed my rifle was gone. The next day I went outside and found it on the ground. I also seem to remember dropping random items in my early games during a wolf attack on the ice at Mystery Lake. That was before I knew to quickly mash the "fight back" button. :-)

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Thanks for the replies! I wasn't holding the rifle. I was holding a torch. It was only a half-day between when I used it and noticed it missing, mostly spent walking from the unnamed pond to the trappers cabin, put down some saplings, hide and gut to cure, slept, went out and disturbed a wolf kill while picking up sticks. Fought it off, gathered some deer, went in again, put some meat in the locker, cooked some, went out again, saw the wolf and went to pull out the rifle. I don't remember the condition, but I had just picked it up two game days before and never fired it so I don't think it would have been too low. I checked all my containers in the cabin, and where I dropped the saplings, no dice. Is there a game log or anything hidden somewhere in the files that could have recorded? If it's a bug, I'd like to report it as such, if not, figure out what did happen so I can learn from it. :P

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If you're sure you didn't misplace your rifle or accidentally drop it, it sounds like it could potentially be a bug. I'm going to move your post to the technical forums, just in case. We'll let you know if we need more information, but if you're playing on Steam, please go ahead and share your game's debug log. You'll find information on locating it here:

Your Game Debug Logs


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