Real world survival

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Mid July 2015 my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. Very shortly afterwards, stage 4. The initial chemo landed her in the hospital a couple of times and then almost killed her. Modifications were made after she regained her health, and she is doing quite well currently.

Needless to say, gaming, and typing about gaming took a hit for both of us.

I don't Facebook, we have no kids, she was an orphan, I'm a run-away, thus no family. My friends, neighbors and co-workers are all tremendously awesome people and have been very supportive. I'm grateful/lucky she is a better human than me to garner such support.

I don't need money, love or prayers. I won't refuse those last two. I just wanted or needed to explain somewhere, where I've been.

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So sorry to hear about the difficulties you and your wife have encountered in the last several months. I'm glad to hear she's improving, and also quite happy to hear you have what sounds like a solid support system within your group of friends, neighbours, and coworkers. This is obviously a forum built around gaming, but we don't call it a "community" for no reason, and I'm sure there are several people here that would be more than willing to send good vibes your way. We're all glad to see you've returned, and hope it stays that way - It's a good indicator that all is well for you. =)

Welcome back, and best wishes to you and your wife for continued health and happiness.

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