Ability to move carcass


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Hi everbody,

Woulnd'it it be nice to have the ability to carry/drop or at least to drag a carcass?

For example, to put it in a place shielded from the wind, or why not, inside a shelter.

Maybe a bear would be to heavy to be carried, but there is no reason other animals can't be carried.

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Also, when you kill a wolf 20 meters apart from its deer prey, you can't build a single fire to butcher both while staying warm and stopping them to freeze.

For the point re base distance : it's the same problem with any "over encumbered" travel : if you want to risk it and die, it's your call :)

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I can see dragging a fresh carcass, but ive dealt with calves that have frozen to death...and then froze to the ground. Not going to be pulling them.

Not even on a tarp or some sort of material, if not a basic sled? At least some choice parts (a hind leg or so)?

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