Steady Pace Mode


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I would like another pace mode. Now it seems like you are sprinting or walking. In a sprint the effort bar goes down so fast you can only maintain it for a very short period of time. A steady pace mode could allow you to stay warmer and cover more ground at the cost of burning more calories.

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+1. I like it. Especially the effort - heat relationship.

The pace would be at the "keep warm but don't perspire" level ? With running causing the body to heat up and perspire and then get cold from moist clothing ? Sounds realistic.

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I like your comment on perspiration. It would be great if that was worked into the game. If you have to much on for the conditions/activity you would get damp. It might be too much for some people to monitor their level of sweat. My self, I think it is a very important factor in trying to survive in cold conditions, and I would rather monitor dampness over battling hoards of rabid wolves.

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I would like another pace mode. Now it seems like you are sprinting or walking. In a sprint the effort bar goes down so fast you can only maintain it for a very short period of time. A steady pace mode could allow you to stay warmer and cover more ground at the cost of burning more calories.

I don't think that's necessary. Running can be maintained for quite a while (remember the passing of time is sped up considerately in the game), and if the running bar has been used up, just take it slow and walk for a while. No other speed modes required.

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well, yeah, I don't feel a 3rd pace is needed much (I would rather run a stretch, walk a stretch)... but I do feel like a heat vs effort mechanism should be implemented, as a last resort to keep warm at all costs. This would work also when fatigued: you will yourself forward, even if the results are meager, and you keep warm.

This ideea would need a new set of spoken feedback, in case we ran too long and heated up (something like "I'm perspiring way too much" or "I'll start perspiring soon"). The malus from wet clothes should be considerable, enough to carry a spare pullover at least, and the dampness should influence the protection the material offers (dry linen 100%, wet linen 80%, dry synthetic 60% of the dry linen, wet synthetic 30%, something like this)

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well, yeah, I don't feel a 3rd pace is needed much (I would rather run a stretch, walk a stretch)... but I do feel like a heat vs effort mechanism should be implemented, as a last resort to keep warm at all costs. This would work also when fatigued: you will yourself forward, even if the results are meager, and you keep warm.

Not everyone agrees with you. Dismissing another movement speed just because you don't want it is short-sighted at best.

I'd like to see a way to move faster for more time, *especially* in Pilgrim mode. Since you rarely have to flee from aggressive animals, the ability to sprint/jog for long stretches of time would not be game-breaking. And since Pilgrim allows for (semi) safe exploration, a faster movement mode would allow more thorough exploration. Too much of exploration is blocked by bad weather in game with all the weather changes.

When I started playing the game last year, it was pretty common for me to get 2-3 days in a row when I wouldn't have a blizzard (or very heavy fog). This was great for me to go out and roam the local map, making note of the landmarks and speculating about how they would fit into story mode. After several updates it's been months of game time since I last had 24 hours of clear weather. Day or night it doesn't matter - I only get a few hours of clear weather and then another storm (or heavy fog bank) rolls in and I have to get into shelter. Then I have to sleep until the weather clears, wander around for another few hours, and then hurry to the next shelter.

I suppose it's supposed to increase the pressure for pure survival, but it's just turned into "Cabin Fever: The Game". The less I can enjoy the environment crafted by the devs, the less fun and more boring the game becomes.

Having a decent brisk walking speed would help mitigate some of this by allowing more exploration in the brief windows of time the weather allows.

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Day or night it doesn't matter - I only get a few hours of clear weather and then another storm (or heavy fog bank) rolls in and I have to get into shelter. Then I have to sleep until the weather clears, wander around for another few hours, and then hurry to the next shelter.

I suppose it's supposed to increase the pressure for pure survival, but it's just turned into "Cabin Fever: The Game". The less I can enjoy the environment crafted by the devs, the less fun and more boring the game becomes..

I like this comment. One of the really great aspects of this game is enjoying the beauty of the world they have created. Too many storms or wolves, creates too much pressure. It is nice to be able to smell the roses from time to time, even if they are frozen.

The comments about not needing another movement mode is understood. I know the programmers have a lot to deal with and you can do short sprints to approximate a steady pace. It just gets a little old pushing the shift all the time.

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